

Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:18

The President of South Ossetia: The issue of accession of South Ossetia to Russia should not expose to political risks our strategic partner

The question of accession of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation was discussed at a recent meeting with President Vladimir Putin, said during today's press conference in Tskhinval South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov.

According to him, the heads of state noted that this problem was an internal affair of South Ossetia.

"The issue of accession of South Ossetia to Russia should not expose to political risks our strategic partner. This is a very important moment, "- he said.

Speaking about the process of implementation of the plan, which will allow the President of South Ossetia to appeal to the Russian leadership with the initiative to access to the Russian Federation, Leonid Tibilov has stressed that at the first stage it is necessary to amend Article 10 of the Constitution of South Ossetia.

"The amendments to the Constitution allow the President to appeal to the leadership of Russia with a proposal to create a single authorized federal agency," - he explained.

Answering the question about the date of holding the referendum, the President has noted that it will be conducted "not in a year, or two, not even in six months, but much more earlier."

"There are no any obstacles, so we'll prepare for the referendum", - he said. - We will put this question, and we will act in the future based on the current situation. "

Leonid Tibilov has added that this plan was also discussed with representatives of the Russian leadership and received positive feedback.

Mon, 04/04/2016 - 19:33

South Ossetia will retain its army

The Ministry of Defence of South Ossetia, as the public authority, will keep its powers and the relevant units after the signing of an additional agreement under the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between Russia and South Ossetia - said during a press conference in Tskhinval South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov, summing up his meeting with Russian President - Vladimir Putin, held in Moscow on 31 March.

According to the President, in late February the South Ossetian working group, headed by the Secretary of Security Council of the Republic Anatoly Pliev, was actively working with the Ministry of Defense of Russia on the preparation of the additional agreement to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between the two countries relating to the transfer of certain units of the Defense Ministry of South Ossetia to the Russian Armed forces.

"The parties agreed that the Treaty, which provides for the transfer of individual units of the Defense Ministry of South Ossetia to the Russian Armed forces, does not meet the requirements of the existing Russian legislation,, - the president said. - And we`ve come to the conclusion that the additional agreement should stipulate not the transfer, but the admission of our servicemen in the Armed Forces of Russia. Most importantly, we have ensured that a serviceman, who serves in the Defense Ministry divisions of our Republic, will be considered for transfer to the Armed forces of Russia. But if he somehow cannot meet the requirements, he will just continue to serve in a former place. "

Mon, 04/04/2016 - 18:06

The presidents of Russia and South Ossetia gave a positive assessment of the work of the two states on the additional agreements to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration

The work on the additional agreements to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between Russia and South Ossetia has been positively assessed by the two presidents - said during the press conference in Tskhinval South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov, commenting on the results of the meeting of the presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia, held in Moscow on March 31.

"If there were some difficulties in the definition of the additional agreements, Russia considered that the decisions should be taken by the two sides, - Tibilov said. - All the additional agreements to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration, which have already been signed or will be signed in the near future, are in working order. We must only wait for a certain time and feel the usefulness of these additional agreements and, in general, of the Treaty. "

Tibilov has noted that there were different approaches to the signing of the additional agreements in the South Ossetian society, stressing that the work on the additional agreements was positively assessed by the two presidents.

Mon, 04/04/2016 - 18:05

Leonid Tibilov: Relations between Russia and South Ossetia reached a high-quality level

Relations between Russia and South Ossetia reached a high-quality level, - said during a press conference in Tskhinval South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov, commenting on the results of the meeting of the presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia, held in Moscow on 31 March.

"Summit is an indicator of relations between states - Tibilov said. - In this case, we can say that our relations have reached a high- quality level. We are proud of these relations, and, of course, they must be strengthened and developed. "

According to Tibilov, the meeting with the President of Russia was held in a rather warm, friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding.

"It is very important that the head of the Russian state knows very well the issues of South Ossetia, he is always ready to solve our problems, - said the President. - I am happy that the Russian President once again has stated that the Russian Federation has provided and will be providing the assistance to South Ossetia. As we know, Russia has serious financial difficulties, when many countries around the world have imposed various sanctions. But at the same time, Russia follows the obligations assumed by it in due time. "

Tibilov has noted that the level of bilateral cooperation between the two states increases each time.

" I `ve received a positive reply to the questions, identified by me in the course of the meeting with the Russian President in terms of the development of our relations, the development of the Republic ", - concluded the President.

Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:27

In Rome was opened the office of the official representative of South Ossetia in Italy

In the capital of Italy took place the ceremony of opening the office of the official representative of South Ossetia in Italy.

Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Kochiev thanked the representative of South Ossetia in Italy Mr Mauro Murgia for assistance in opening the representative office and wished the Foreign Ministry spokesman in Italy new successes and achievements.

"I want to express my deep gratitude to all of you for your attention and support. Taking this pleasant opportunity, I address greetings to our compatriots in Italy, which, in spite of the distance, keep in touch with the homeland, and strive to contribute to strengthening of the Italian-Ossetian friendship - said Kochiev. ¬ I would like to note that Mr. Mauro Murgia is not for the first year the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in Italy, and with his active participation expand contacts between our two countries, were signed the agreements on friendship and cooperation between the capital of our Republic- the city of Tskhinval and a number of Italian cities."

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Deputy Minister thanked Mr. Murgia for his work.

"I also express mygratitude to all who contributed to the opening of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in Italy, first of all, - Mr. Andrea Corsini, who has kindly provided us accommodation for the office, - continued Kochiev. - South Ossetia is an open country that tends to increase the number of international relations. I`d like to note with pleasure that South Ossetia has already enough friends in Italy, and we hope that with the opening of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, the number of friends of our country will increase. "

Kochiev also spoke about the presence of a wide field of networking and cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of culture.

"We will be seeking for the opportunities for business contacts ", he said

"I would like to express confidence that the opening of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia in Italy expands opportunities to work in all these areas - said the Deputy Minister. - For our compatriots in Italy, our representative office should be a place where they can find support and assistance. "

According to Kochiev, the opening of the representation office of the Republic of South Ossetia in Italy is a joyful and important occasion.

"In South Ossetia are happy that, despite some difficulties, the opening of the office has taken place", - concluded the Deputy Minister.


Fri, 01/04/2016 - 22:21

Leonid Tibilov: the meeting with Alexei Miller was held in a friendly atmosphere, with plans for further cooperation

In the course of the meeting with the Chairman of "Gazprom" Alexey Miller were discussed the issues of Russian natural gas supplies to the Republic, said the president of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov during the live broadcast on Russia 24 channel.

"The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere with the plans for future cooperation, we have achieved understanding, - said the President. - In 2009, was gasified the capital of the Republic and several nearby villages, but now we will work on further gasification of the districts of the Republic of South Ossetia ".

Leonid Tibilov thanked the leadership of "Gazprom" for their understanding and support.

"The issue of gasification of the districts of the Republic was also raised by me during the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin," - said Tibilov.

Fri, 01/04/2016 - 22:17

The President of South Ossetia: The priority areas are infrastructure construction and economic development

The financial support, provided by Russia, is totally spent on restoration and development of the Republic, said the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov during the live broadcast on the channel Russia 24.

Tibilov has noted that the priority areas are the construction of infrastructure and economic development.

"Out of 3.6 billion rubles, provided for construction and restoration of the Republic in 2017 within the framework of the Investment program, is being spent the bulk of an amount - Tibilov said. - In the current and next year we will build more than 300 apartments for citizens, as well as for persons, whose homes were destroyed as a result of the August war, unleashed by Georgia, against South Ossetia. "

Tibilov has stressed that great attention is paid to the construction of roads.

"For construction and renovation of roads in the capital and in the remote areas of the Republic are allocated vast sums of money - this also concerns the roads to the villages that have not been renovated for over 30 years, - added the head of state. - In 2016 we will improve 11 central streets of the capital. This year will also be completed the construction of the road-Sinagur Karzman ".

Construction of roads to the mountainous villages will contribute to their development, said Tibilov.

Fri, 01/04/2016 - 17:48

Russia will continue the integration processes in the space of states - participants of the CIS in the framework of the Commonwealth, - Rashid Nurgaliyev

According to the commentary of Deputy Secretary of Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev to the updated National Security Strategy, approved by the President of Russia, one of the main directions of the foreign policy of Moscow is to strengthening cooperation with the CIS, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The document says that the new version of the Strategy specified the objectives of co-operation of the Russian Federation with partners in the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union.

One of the key directions of the foreign policy in accordance with the document is the development of relations of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with States-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia.

According to Nurgaliyev, Russia will continue the integration processes in the space of states - participants of the CIS in the framework of the Commonwealth, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

"Undoubtedly, the interaction with these countries on various aspects of regional and international security has stabilized the situation in the countries and regions bordering on them," - said Nurgaliyev.

