

Thu, 28/05/2015 - 10:14

People of South Ossetia shed blood to attain the independence - the deputy of four convocations

The Act of Declaration of the Independence of South Ossetia is one of the most important and significant decisions of the Supreme Council of the Republic, said the deputy of four convocations of the Parliament of South Ossetia Tarzan Kokoity in his interview with the news agency "Res".

"The decision was very important in recognizing the statehood and independence of South Ossetia, said Kokoity.
In 1990, people of South Ossetia and the Council of People's Deputies of the then South Ossetian Autonomous Region proclaimed the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic as a part of a unified Soviet Union. But as we know in late 1991, early 1992 the Soviet Union collapsed.
Kokoity has noted that South Ossetia was left alone with the external long-standing enemy.
"In this situation it was necessary to take some measures - continued Kokoity. - In January 1992, we conducted on the territory of South Ossetia a nationwide referendum on the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia ".

Kokoity has reminded that in the referendum voted 76% of the population of South Ossetia, of which 99% voted for an independent state.
"On this basis, May 29, 1992 the Supreme Council of the Republic of South Ossetia adopted the Act of Declaration of the Independence of South Ossetia - Kokoity added. - Subsequently, no any state has recognized our Republic, but we, observing the Constitution, taking into account the outcome of the referendum, have not changed our decision. "

Kokoity has stressed that the Georgian side tried hard to resolve the issues by force.
"After the adoption of the Act of Declaration of the Independence of South Ossetia, on June 1, the Georgian armed forces, the so-called National Guard invaded South Ossetia and began intensive bombardment of Tskhinval until July 14, 1992, when the Russian peacekeeping battalion entered the territory of the Republic South Ossetia,"- said Kokoity.

"There was not a single day without victims, many people were killed then, - Kokoity said.
People of South Ossetia shed blood to attain the independence and we must preserve the independence for our future generations to live in our prosperous country. "


Wed, 27/05/2015 - 15:58

Questions of the South Ossetian citizens imprisoned in Georgia are being discussed in the international format - Khokh Gagloyty

Relatives and friends of the citizens of South Ossetia George Zasseev, Joseph Kochiev and George Valiev, serving life sentences in the Gldani prison in Gori, are concerned due to failure of the Georgian authorities’ promises about the retrial of the convicted persons.

From February 24 to March 29 George Zaseev, Joseph Kochiev and George Valiev went on hunger strike, hoping for a revision of the trumped-up cases, because of which they had been sentenced to life imprisonment. After 36 days the prison was visited by representatives of the Georgian Presidential Executive Office; they assured the hunger strikers, that their cases would be reviewed. The prisoners stopped the hunger strike two months ago, but their cases have not been reviewed.

Deputy Presidential Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty commented the situation, noting that "South Ossetian citizens, imprisoned in Georgia, are the hostages of the Georgian authorities."
"Speaking about the fate of the South Ossetian citizens in Georgian prisons, whom the South Ossetian side believes the hostages of the Georgian authorities, we should talk about concrete personalities - said Gagloyty. - It concerns, primarily, the citizens of South Ossetia Kochiev, Valiev and Zasseev, who since July 2005 are kept in prison, sentenced to life imprisonment. It is no secret that the Georgian side, mainly referring to representatives of the so-called "power block" and the nationalist wing of the political establishment, is biased against our fellow citizens. The evidence of this fact is in their principled unwillingness to release them. "

Answering the question of the correspondent of the news agency "Res", whether the South Ossetian side raised the question of the review of the cases of the convicts sentenced to life imprisonment after the hunger strike, Gagloyty has noted that "South Ossetian delegation, constantly puts this question at all international forums, attended by the South Ossetian and Georgian sides."

"This applies to the Geneva international discussions and meetings in the framework of the IPRM - said Gagloyty. - In particular, at the last round of Geneva discussions South Ossetian delegation submitted to the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions the letter from the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov with our proposal on mutual release of prisoners and the appeal to the Co-Chairs to act as mediators in this matter. "
Gagloyty has added that this question is put, regardless of the hunger strikes of prisoners.
"Although they are always the subject to our particular anxieties and concerns, and the fate of the South Ossetian prisoners in Georgian is one of the key issues in the relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia, - said Gagloyty. - The position of Georgian representatives on this issue also contains the constant definitions such as the "principled position" and "red line."
Such approaches of the Georgian side may be relevant only to journals colorings, and are contrary to those "humane initiatives" which are declared by the Georgian authorities in their promotional materials. It should be clearly understood by the observing part of the international community. "

Answering the question, whether there is any hope for a positive solution to the issue of the South Ossetian citizens serving sentences in prisons of Georgia, Khokh Gagloyty assured that "there is a hope, and the Office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement will be working in this direction, relying on the existing capabilities."

It should be noted that in summer 2005 three citizens of South Ossetia George Zaseev, Joseph Kochiev and George Valiev had been detained in the village of Auneu by Georgian special services. The detainees were accused of distributing drugs and committing a terrorist act in the town of Gori (Georgia), and for ten years are kept in Gldani prison in Tbilisi. Within ten years, this is the fourth hunger strike in the hope that their cases will be reviewed.


Sat, 23/05/2015 - 17:45

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with representatives of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Representatives of the Commission on Co-operation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation headed by the co-Chairman Alexander Totoonov, met with the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov.
The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Domenty Kulumbegov, Parliament Speaker Anatoly Bibilov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev, representatives of the Government of the Republic.
Leonid Tibilov noted the fruitful work of the Federation Council of the Parliament of South Ossetia and appreciated highly the relations between South Ossetia and Russia.
"The basis for cooperation was laid in 2008, but in recent years we have seen a great momentum in the work of the commission on cooperation, - the president said. - In the future, this work will continue in order to strengthen relations between the Russian Federation and South Ossetia. We are waiting for the ratification of the signed agreement on cooperation and integration between the two countries and we are aimed at closer integration. In addition, the South Ossetian side has already established contacts to implement the agreement - this is a meeting of the Minister of Education and Science Natalie Gassieva with the Moscow colleagues, and elaborating of the issue of pension provision of the population, as well as the security system. "
Today, the president said, "to raise the standard of living of the population is a primary task, and the government will be working on it."
"The new agreement on cooperation and integration provides higher wages, pensions, and benefits." - said Tibilov.
Alexander Totoonov, for his part, reported on the work carried out in South Ossetia.
"We have considered a number of bills that we have elaborated with the Parliament of the Republic, in particular, once again highlighted the problem of high-tech medical care, - said Totoonov. - South Ossetia signed the Treaty of alliance and integration with Russia, in future will be issued laws that will facilitate the early implementation of the Treaty, in particular in the health sector. "
In addition, Totoonov offered the South Ossetian counterparts an internship in the Federation Council.
Anatoly Bibilov appreciated highly the cooperation and collaboration of the legislative branches of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.
"The great work is expected to be done after the ratification of the alliance and integration Treaty- said Bibilov. - The adopted laws should be as efficient as possible. "
At the end of the event, representatives of the Commission on Co-operation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation presented gifts to Leonid Tibilov.

Sat, 23/05/2015 - 16:58

Alexander Totoonov met with the Parliament Speaker of South Ossetia

In the Parliament of South Ossetia was held a meeting of members of the Cooperation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Parliament of South Ossetia, led by co-Chairman for the Russian side Alexander Totoonov with Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov.
The Russian side at the meeting was represented by the member of the legislative body of the government of Karachai-Cherkess Republic, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Oleg Kazakovtsev, a representative of the executive body of the Republic of Tatarstan, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Sergey Batin , executive secretary of the commission Alexander Pozdnyakov.
The South Ossetian side at the meeting was represented by Vice- Speakers of the Parliament of South Ossetia Inal Mamiev and Dmitry Tasoev, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations of the Parliament of South Ossetia Igor Kochiev.
At the beginning of the meeting Anatoly Bibilov welcomed the guests and thanked them for friendly attitude towards South Ossetia, attention to its problems. Bibilov also wished the members of the Commission good luck in their future work.
"The issues that will be worked out by the Commission are very important for the Republic of South Ossetia - said Bibilov. - The challenge for the Republic and the deputies is the unification of the agreements under the Treaty, which was signed this year. All these processes are inevitable in the best sense of the word, and this is very important. I am confident that the work will be completely constructive and the tasks will be considered by the Commission. "
In turn, Alexander Totoonov also noted the importance of holding such meetings.
"I am very pleased that we hold active meetings. Such meetings are some kind of demonstration of the working attitude, the readiness to not only make our position stronger, but also to continue the policy of further integration with Russia - said Totoonov. - I am convinced that today's agenda, as well as the follow-up, with great responsibility and a very professional approach of my colleagues, will be a priority for us, and I hope that our modest contribution and our assistance will become some important contribution to the construction process of South Ossetia ", - said Totoonov.


Tue, 19/05/2015 - 22:26

Minister of Emergency Situations of South Ossetia has visited the International Salon "Integrated Safety - 2015"

Minister for Emergency Situations of South Ossetia Sergey Sanakoev has visited today the VIII Moscow International Salon of safety equipment "Integrated Safety - 2015".
According to the press service of the Emergency Ministry, Sanakoev has visited the International Salon of safety equipment on the invitation of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Vladimir Puchkov.

The Emergency Ministries of Russia and South Ossetia signed an agreement on cooperation; interaction between the two agencies is maintained at a high level.
It is also planned to hold a number of meetings between the Minister of Emergency Situations of South Ossetia and the Russian counterparts.

Salon participants will be able to see modern fire and rescue technologies, leading innovative developments in the field of integrated security.
As part of the Salon will also be held full-scale demonstration exercises using aircraft at the site of EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow.

More than 500 exhibitors from 20 countries will take part in the Salon; it will be attended by more than 20 thousand visitors.

"Integrated Safety - 2015" is a platform which demonstrates the achievements of science and high technologies in the field of integrated security.


Thu, 14/05/2015 - 15:31

In Brussels will start the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe"

May 16 In Brussels will start the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe."
As reported to IA "Res" by the Chairman of the nonprofit International Association «Renaissance Sandidzan» («Revival") Radion Pukhaev, in the framework of the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe" will be held round tables with participation of creative intellectuals of Ossetia and Europe, exhibitions, open air events and workshops.
"Our actions will begin on May 16 with a round table of the creative intelligentsia of Ossetia and Europe "Bridges of cooperation ", - said Pukhaev. - On the same day will be premiered the film
"Mine" by the famous director Murat Dzhusoyty.
There will also be a meeting with the authors and actors of the film. "

Pukhaev has noted that in the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Brussels will open the V international exhibition of Ossetian artists «Arv-Art».
"The paintings and graphics artists are: Magrez Kelekhsaev, Lavrenty Kasoev, Valery Atayev, Vadim Pukhaev, Marat Kesaev, Victor Tsallagov, Akhsar Yesenov, Boris Gabaraev and Akhsar Akhpolov" - said Pukhaev, adding that the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe" will be held in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.


Tue, 12/05/2015 - 12:36

The delegation of South Ossetia took part in the celebrations to mark Victory Day in Dagestan

An official delegation from South Ossetia took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which took place on May 9 in Dagestan.

The delegation, headed by Minister of Justice of South Ossetia Alan Dzhioev has also included the State Adviser to the President of the RSO Rodion Siukaev and Deputy Chief of the Department of Internal Policy of the Presidential Executive Office of South Ossetia Alan Tibilov.

On behalf of the people and the leadership of South Ossetia Alan Dzhioev congratulated the people of Dagestan and wished them a peaceful sky.

"Victory Day is a holiday that fills our hearts with pride and gratitude; it is a celebration of courage, heroism of Russians, Ossetians, people of Dagestan and other peoples of the USSR.
It is a holiday that gave the future for us, our children and grandchildren! We wish the people of Dagestan health, happiness and peaceful sky, "- said at a gala ceremony Dzhioev.

In addition, the South Ossetian delegation met with a number of public and political figures of Dagestan, in particular, with the Minister of Culture of Dagestan Zarema Butaeva.

"In recent years, Western countries attempt to revise the results of the World War II. We appreciate the role of the allied forces in World War II, but at the same time, we will
make every effort to obstruct falsification and belittling the role of the Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War. Everyone should remember that the main gravity of the war was born by the Soviet people and it is our common history, the history of heroism of the Soviet people! "- said during the meeting Tibilov.

In turn, Rodion Siukaev added that "The Great Patriotic War was the most severe and bloody war in the world history, the period of mobilization of all resources of the Soviet people to achieve a victory over Nazi Germany."

"The Soviet people have saved the world from fascism! We will always remember this and be proud of our common victory!, "- said Siukaev.

The South Ossetian delegation also took part in the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Makhachkala, and laid wreaths at the monument to the memory of soldiers killed in World War II.


Thu, 07/05/2015 - 21:46

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov will take part in the events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the capital of the Russian Federation

President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov has left for Moscow to participate in the events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, reported IA "Res" presidential press Secretary Ghana Yanovskaya.
Leonid Tibilov went to Moscow on the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
"Nowadays, when some politicians are trying to rewrite history, the President considered it important to accept the invitation of Vladimir Putin, together with the other guests to commemorate the feat of the Soviet soldier" – stressed Yanovskaya.
The Head of State was accompanied by Secretary of the Security Council of South Ossetia Anatoly Pliev and the State Advisor to the President Konstantin Kochiev.
In Moscow, May 8, on the eve of Victory Day the South Ossetian delegation will commemorate the Ossetians - Heroes of the Soviet Union, buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery Memorial.
The Victory Parade in Moscow will also be attended by three veterans of the Great Patriotic War-natives of Tskhinval.
"As part of a trip to the capital of Russia, at the international multimedia press center "Russia today " will be held a press conference of Leonid Tibilov,"- added Yanovskaya.
During the Great Patriotic War 21 thousand 736 citizens of South Ossetia were defending the motherland, in the battles were killed 11 thousand 711 soldiers of the Soviet Army, more than 7,000 are listed the missing. 34 Ossetians have been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


Sat, 02/05/2015 - 08:22

Leonid Tibilov received the Deputy of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh region and the director of the Children's Health Camp "Green light"

President Leonid Tibilov has received the Deputy of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh region Valentina Shumyanskaya and the director of children's health camp "Green light" Mikhail Biryukov, reported IA "Res" the press Secretary of the President of South Ossetia Ghana Yanovskaya.

During the meeting the head of state noted that the interaction between the agencies of the Russian regions - one of the most important directions for South Ossetia.
"We are strengthening and developing relations between the two countries, coming to a new level with the signing of the new Treaty. This, of course, applies to certain regions of Russia ", - he stressed.

"The desire to maintain mutual cooperation is proved in practice. For many years, you have been rendering great assistance to our country. Your special attention to our children deserves the high-sounding words of gratitude. Any collaboration is always welcomed by the leadership of South Ossetia, which is expressed in the existing strong relationship between you and your South Ossetian colleagues. "

In turn, the guests have noted that their organizations contribute to strengthening relations between the peoples.
"We have much to learn from each other, there is a great desire to work on common social projects, carried out by our organizations. On the eve of our great holiday - Victory Day - I want to emphasize, that we, the people, who defended then the peace, must live and strengthen our ties, "- said Valentina Shumyanskaya.

The guests told about their plans for further cooperation with civil society organizations in South Ossetia. "This year, as in previous years, we plan to receive in our camp children from Tskhinval", - said Mikhail Biryukov.

During the visit to the Republic Valentina Shumyanskaya and Mikhail Biryukov also intend to render humanitarian aid to the Dzau boarding school injured in a fire a few months ago.

Today, the President signed an Executive order to present Valentina Shumyanskaya and Mikhail Biryukov with the state award of the Republic of South Ossetia - the Order of Friendship.


Wed, 29/04/2015 - 23:16

South Ossetia once again stated in the framework of the IPRM about the necessity to establish the Commission on delimitation and demarcation of the border

The South Ossetian has presented at a meeting in the framework of the mechanism for preventing and responding to incidents (IPRM) the materials showing deliberate damage of the border signs at the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, said after a meeting of members of the IPRM in the village of Ergneti Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the Republic of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty.
"During this period, we recorded three cases of deliberate damage to the boundary signs on the state border, which were fired with combat shooting firearms, - said Gagloyty. - We have earlier informed the IPRM participants that we are concerned about this fact. And today we have declared that we consider conscious damage of the border signs, as the acts of armed provocation. We have noted that in the case of the appropriate response, they should recollect what circumstances have led to the likely consequences. "
Gagloyty has reported that the Georgian side at the meeting raised the question of the specific areas where, according to them, were dug the ditches and trenches.
"A detailed examination of the area revealed that there are two ditches, which block up not some vast areas, but the concrete country roads - said Gagloyty. - The representatives of the competent border units informed us that they had no relation to these ditches, and they had been dug by local residents, thus blocking up the driveway for motor vehicles on their plots of land. It turned out that this area is located on the territory of South Ossetia. "
Gagloyty has noted that in this regard the South Ossetian side once again expressed the need to establish a joint commission on delimitation and demarcation of the border to avoid in future the similar incidents.
"Questions around the perimeter of the state border will periodically arise to further eliminate this, it would be correct to establish the commission, which will deal with the definition of the border line," - stressed Gagloyty.
He has added that the Georgian side presented at the meeting a photomaterial depicting the war machine with shrouded trailer.
"Georgian officials said that it was an anti-aircraft unit, but the persons responsible for this transport, told that the car was a field kitchen, followed by the moving water tank," - said Deputy Envoy.
Gagloyty said that with the approach of the season of collecting wild bladder nut the South Ossetian side called on the Georgian one to carry out the corresponding information work with the population.
"We have urged the participants of the Georgian side to conduct active information work on the border line, about the impossibility and undesirability of its crossing - said Gagloyty. – It will exclude a number of detentions of the border violators in the coming period.
Practice will show whether they held the job or not."
The Deputy Envoy has also said that today the relatives of three South Ossetians, considered the missing, have met with Ambassador of the OSCE Gnaedinger.
"The OSCE is making some efforts to communicate with the Georgian investigating authorities to ensure some progress to clarify the fate of the missing persons, but unfortunately, this does not occur, which, in turn, has also stated the OSCE", - concluded Gagloyty .
