You are a legendary generation: Gagloev on those who created, strengthened and defended South Ossetia

Fri, 20/09/2024 - 14:57

During the heroic years of the struggle for freedom and the establishment of the statehood of South Ossetia, the people showed the greatest courage, fortitude, dedication, unwavering will and readiness, not sparing their lives, to achieve the intended goal, - President Alan Gagloev, said, speaking at the parade to mark the 34th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic.

According to him, all those who were fighting, working for the freedom and prosperity of the Republic, all who were simply living in South Ossetia all these years, steadfastly enduring all the dangers, difficulties and hardships, deserve recognition of their services to the country.

"You can be proud of your direct involvement in the great cause and historical achievements. All those who created, strengthened and defended the Republic of South Ossetia entered the history of our people as a legendary and heroic generation,” Gagloev has emphasized.

The President noted that at the same time, “it would have been immeasurably more difficult for the Ossetian people without the support of friends, and above all the Russian Federation, which has been providing the Republic with invaluable assistance and support for many years, which came to the rescue at the moment of mortal danger, when the question of life and death for South Ossetia was being decided.”

“After the end of the war, many decades would have been needed to restore the country without the large-scale assistance provided by Russia. Again and again we say: “Thank you, Russia!” and we firmly know in our hearts that Russia will never regret its decision to come to the aid of South Ossetia,” he has emphasized.

Gagloev noted that the Republic sees large-scale tasks ahead.

"We intend to achieve a significant improvement in the economic situation of the Republic by implementing a series of projects aimed at developing the real sector of the economy, to increase the number of jobs, to increase revenues to the state budget from its own income and to improve the well-being of citizens," the President said.

The head of state has noted that the Republic will continue to strive to strengthen its position in the international relations, developing relations with the countries that have recognized South Ossetia and making new friends.

"We continue to look for the ways to improve our statehood in order to take into account the interests of all citizens of the Republic as much as possible," Gagloev continued. - A lot remains to be done, but no one will do it for us. We are not afraid of difficulties. After what South Ossetia has gone through, after what our people have overcome and what they have managed to achieve, there are no insurmountable obstacles for us."

Gagloev has stressed that the Republic has a clear understanding of the prospects "for our country.""We know what our goals and objectives are; we know what to do and how to do it. We all remember the old slogan - "Blossom, my Ossetia!" We will be able to implement this slogan,” Gagloev has concluded.

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