South Ossetia spoke at the international conference dedicated to the history of the Caucasus

Mon, 17/02/2025 - 11:46

Scientists from South Ossetia took part in the annual International School-Conference "The Caucasus in its Past and Present: History, Archeology, Culture" in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

The event was held at the V.I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute of Humanitarian and Social Research and the Kosta Khetagurov in the North Ossetian State University in Vladikavkaz.

As, reported to IA "Res", by a participant in the conference and the head of the Department of Socio-Economic Research at the South Ossetian Research Institute, Vyacheslav Dzhabiev, he presented a report on the topic "Modern socio-cultural processes of forming the all-Russian identity in the Republic of South Ossetia".

"The topic of the report was not chosen by chance, since South Ossetia, being in the South Caucasus, is fully involved in the socio-cultural, economic, political and other processes of Russia," Dzhabiev said.

According to him, the conference program has included the lectures and master classes by leading scientists of SOIGSI, sectional meetings.

The articles recommended by the experts are planned to be published in the scientific journal "Izvestia SOIGSI. School of Young Scientists".

Nikolai Bazzaev, a senior researcher at the South Ossetian State University and a postgraduate student, also took part in the conference in absentia. The scientist presented a report on the topic "Organization of agricultural production in South Ossetia in the 1930s".

The main areas of the conference were: ethno genetic and ethno cultural processes in the territory of the North Caucasus in the ancient and medieval eras; preservation and study of archaeological, historical, cultural and documentary heritage; the scientific heritage of outstanding researchers of the Caucasus and their contribution to historical and ethnographic Caucasian studies, etc.

The young scientists, graduate students and students from the USA and India studying at the South Ossetiamn State University also took part in the school-conference.

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