

Fri, 28/03/2008 - 17:10

Wounded in the result of terrorist act is in grave condition

Wounded in the result of terrorist act at the Tskhinval downtown Vissarion Valiev is in grave condition. This was informed to IA «Res» correspondent at the Republican hospital surgical department. «Vissaruon Valiev was delivered to the hospital yesterday evening at about 21:00 with thermal and splinter wounds.

Fri, 28/03/2008 - 17:09

JPKF: «It is a fourth act of terrorism in the row this wear with the application of explosives»

On 27. 03. 08 at 20:50 JPKF Military Observers together with the OSCE Mission representatives conducted monitoring to check up the information received of the explosion of motorcar at Tskhinval downtown. This was informed to «Res» correspondent by the assistant of the Commander of Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict Captain Vladimir Ivanov.

Fri, 28/03/2008 - 17:08

One more act of terrorism committed in Tskhinval

One more act of terrorism committed in Tskhinval. About 20:15 «UAZ» vehicle exploded in the downtown. According to the preliminary information as a consequence of the explosion there are human losses. RSO law enforcement members are working at the spot.


Thu, 27/03/2008 - 15:34

RSO Prosecutor General"s Office information concerning the act of terrorism committed on 23 March at RSO Znaur district Okona village

On 23 March approximately at 11.00 at RSO Znaur district Okona Village was committed the act of terrorism preplanned and fulfilled by Georgian special services. As a consequence of explosion of shell less explosive device the citizen Koliev Inal Inalovich and JPKF North Ossetia-Alania serviceman Doguzov Vladislav Amiranivich were badly wounded and delivered to the Republican hospital.

Thu, 27/03/2008 - 15:31

Georgian side goes on checking the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia at Eredvi and Avnevi illegal posts

As IA «Res» correspondent was informed at the Republic of South Ossetia Leningor district press-bureau, the policemen at the Eredvi village post detains the district inhabitants. «They are examined and humiliated and their foodstuffs are seized. And although a flour is much expensive in Georgia, policemen insists they should purchase it in Gori»-informed at the press service.


Mon, 24/03/2008 - 18:03

Statement оf the Ministry оf Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

In connection with the terrorist action committed on 23 March 2008 at the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia

On the 23 March 2008 in the neighboring to Georgia Znaur district of the Republic of South Ossetia was committed another terrorist action. An explosive device went off in the vehicle with RNO-Alania peacekeeping battalion serviceman Vladiclav Doguzov and RSO KGB member Inal Koliev.

Mon, 24/03/2008 - 14:33

A dictum of the RSO KGB press-bureau

On 23 March at 11 o’clock in the settlement of Okona of Znaur district of RSO was conducted another act of terrorism by Georgian special services. An explosion device of about 400 g in trinitrotoluene equivalent was fired in a “Niva” car. In the result of explosion serious wounds got a not established member of the RSO KGB Koliev Inal and a serviceman of peacekeeping battalion from RNO-Alania Doguzov Vladislav.

Mon, 24/03/2008 - 14:31

The state of the wounded in the result of terrorist act is extremely serious

The state of the wounded Inal Koliev and Vladimir Doguzov in the result of terrorist act conducted by Georgian special services in the settlement of Okona of Znaur district of RSO is extremely serious. As it was informed in the RSO Ministry of Health press-bureau the state of Inal Koliev causes warns but the positive dynamic is observed.

Mon, 24/03/2008 - 14:30

Georgian special services continue provocations

Yesterday late at night a citizen of RSO Abaev Rodion was abducted by special subdivisions of MIA of Georgia from a buffer area between Georgia and the Republic of South Ossetia. He was conveyed to Gori and was subjected to tortures. After some special measures of RSO MIA Abaev Rodion has been released.
