

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 13:25

Delegation from the Republic of South Ossetia left for Moscow to participate Parliamentary hearings

Delegation from the Republic of South Ossetia headed by the RSO Parliament Vice-Speaker Yuri Dzidtsoity left for Moscow to participate Parliamentary hearings at the RF State Duma on the problem of unrecognized states. The delegation included First Deputy of RSO Prime Minister who is also Co-Chairman of Joint Control Commission from South Ossetian part Boris Chochiev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO Murat Djioev, the Head of State Committee on Information and Press of RSO Irina Gagloeva, the Deputy of RSO Parliament Chairman Tarzan Kokoity and Director of NGO ACECD Dina Alborova. RSO Parliament Vice-Speaker Yuri Dzidtsoity will come out as the co-reporter on the question of the situation around South Ossetia. This was reported to a «Res» correspondent at the RSO Parliament press-service.

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 13:23

The youth and general public of RSO for independence

The grandiose action “Recognition for unrecognized” is held today in Tskhinval-the capital of Republic of South Ossetia. The action is organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs. It is dated for hearings in RF State Duma on the question of recognition of the independence of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transdnistria.


Tue, 11/03/2008 - 17:47

Andrey Bitarov: “God grant us wise friends and foolish foes”

It seems that the main problem of Dmitry and Vladimir Sanakoev and brothers Karkusov is they have never read books in their childhood. Otherwise they would certainly remember wise admonitions of Cheshire Cat from “Alice in wonderland”. As everybody knows he more than once warned Alice: “My girl,-he said,-never say words which meaning you do not understand. And never repeat nonsense heard from others”.


Mon, 10/03/2008 - 12:33

Appeal of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia

the UN Secretary General,
the President of the Russian Federation,
the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
the Heads of states and Parliaments of the CIS and the EU member-states


Fri, 07/03/2008 - 13:46

The commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

Regarding the statement of Georgian side of withdrawal from the existing negotiation process format on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement

As it has become known Tbilisi made a decision of withdrawal of Georgian side from the existing negotiation process format on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement what was particularly stated on 4 March this year by the Georgian State Minister on Reintegration m-r Yacobashvili. For the condition for resuming talks he stipulated revision of Joint Control Commission format and entering EU and so called “interim administration of South Ossetia” representatives in.


Tue, 04/03/2008 - 11:52

Meeting of RSO Government

Today the President of the Republic of South Ossetia held a regular conference with the heads of ministries and departments. The representatives honored with the minute of silence the memory of the 28 Fabriary terrorist action victims. The Head of the Republic once again paid attention to the fact of intensification of diversion and provocative activity of Georgia.

Tue, 04/03/2008 - 11:51

The state of wounded in terrorist action in Dmenis is satisfactory

The state of wounded in terrorist action in Dmenis is satisfactory. It was informed to IA “Res” correspondent in the Republic Hospital. “Kusraev, Bibilov and Kokoev have numerous missile wounds at face and chest. At present the state of wounds is satisfactory, but is required medical treatment”- informed the Head doctor of the RH Nodar Kokoev. In the result of explosion fired in the village of Dmenis on 28 February two men died: Valter Alborov and Sevastir Maldzigov. The three are badly wounded. And fifteen men are wounded slightly.


Fri, 29/02/2008 - 16:25

An announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO

On 28 February, at 15:25 in Dmenis village of Tskhinval district of the Republic of South Ossetia an act of terrorism was committed. The explosion device planted in a TV set, exploded in the building of the local police station; at the same time in the neighborhood Russian Federation President early elections were held. The explosion resulted in numerous wounded and life losses.

Fri, 29/02/2008 - 16:21

An appeal of the press-bureau of RSO Committee of State Security

On 28 February, at 15:30 in Dmenis settlement of Tskhinval district of RSO two members of MIA of South Ossetia were killed in the result of explosion. Two policemen also were conveyed to the Republic clinic with heavy wounds. The explosion device had been planted in a TV set and fired as soon as it was switched on in the room of duty service of Dmenis settlement police station.
