

Thu, 07/02/2008 - 18:15

Lawlessness of kurta administration

An inhabitant of v. Tamarasheni who asked not to mention his name told about the incident happened in the end of 2007 in the residence of Tbilisi protégé, head of marionette regime D. Sanakoev. On 26 December a cluster of Kheiti villagers came up to the residence intending to address to D. Sanakoev with a request to compromise to RSO Government and if only temporarily reopen the road to Tskhinval.



Mon, 04/02/2008 - 15:54

President of RSO Eduard Kokoity awarded journalists

President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity awarded the best journalists of 2007 with diplomas and monetary prizes. The awards were presented on 2 February. Correspondents of “Res” Information Agency were also among laureates. The awards were presented to them in nomination of “On-line information”.

Mon, 04/02/2008 - 09:14

The most probable version

The situation with water supply to Tskhinval (the capital of RSO) becomes worse day by day. And the most curios thing is that the cause of the crisis has not found yet. Numerous monitoring were held with participation of peacekeepers and OSCE observers. The experts from Ossetian and Georgian sides examine the water pipe. The measures of water in the nearly one meter in diameter pipe are conducting in various places. But the reason is made public only like versions.


Fri, 01/02/2008 - 18:33

Head of the OSCE Mission to Georgia Terhi Hakala visited RSO

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity met Head of the OSCE Mission to Georgia Terhi Hakala.
The South Ossetian side was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO Murat Djioev, co-chairman of JCC from South Ossetian side Boris Chochiev and the President State Adviser Konstantin Kochiev.


Thu, 31/01/2008 - 17:15

“Red Church” to be rehabilitated in RSO

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with the representatives of RSO Government and city administration of Tskhinval and with the priest of Alanian Eparchy. At the meeting was discussed the project of rehabilitation of the “Red Church” – an Orthodox church at the northern outskirts of Tskhinval damaged during the earthquake in 1991 and in the result of the bombardment of the town by the Georgian armed formations in 1991-1992.

Thu, 31/01/2008 - 17:08

Monitoring found out new-built Georgian fortifications

“During the monitoring conducted by the team of military observers from the three sides together with the representative of OSCE Mission the fact of producing of engineering works on covered weapon emplacement and trench communications at the western outskirts of Kemerti village on the left side of the Liakhva river bridge as well as the engineering improvement of police check-point placed nearby the Russian Federation Peacekeeping Forces observation point of “Pauk” from the side of Achabeti village” the assistant of the head of JPKF on media lieutenant colonel Yuri Vereschak informed.

Thu, 31/01/2008 - 17:05

The heavy snowfall paralyzed RSO road communications

The traffic between the districts of RSO is disrupted as well as the traffic on the Transcaucasian trunk. This is due to the incessant snowfall. As IA “Res” correspondent was informed the height of snow blanket in Djava district is more than 1,6m. “Because of heavy snowfall road services make no progress in road dozing and presently there is no road communication between the capital of RSO and regions” Ministry of Road-building informed.

Thu, 31/01/2008 - 11:57

The answer of the official representative of Russian FM M.L. Kamynin on the “Interfax” agency’s question pertaining to the peaceful initiatives of the President of South Ossetia E.D. Kokoity

Question: On 23 of January at the “Interfax” agency was held the press-conference of the President of South Ossetia were he came out with a number of new initiatives within the context of the Georgian-Ossetian settlement. How this event estimates by the Russian MFA?


Tue, 29/01/2008 - 16:31

The water supply of the capital of RSO is completely cut

The water supply of the capital of South Ossetia providing by the Edis-Tskhinval water-pipe is completely ceased. As the deputy of the head of Tskhinval administration Alan Kotaev informed IA “Res” correspondent, at about 11:00 town water supply was completely cut.
