
The meeting of the presidents of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Karachay-Cherkessia takes place in Abkhazia

22/08/2007 - 16:55

In Abkhazia there takes place the meeting of the President of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh with the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty and the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Mustafa Badtyev.
As Eduard Kokojty has informed the correspondent of the agency "Res ", the meeting has an informal character.
«We have a great deal of problems to discuss. While I can tell, that we all want peace on the Caucasus and shall make maximum efforts for the achievement of this aim, even if someone would be desirable the opposite», Eduard Kokojty has told.

The repair brigades liquidate the illegal cuts

22/08/2007 - 16:53

The repair brigades liquidate the illegal cuts on the water-sluice Edis-Tskhinval.
An agreement, that the south-ossetian repair brigade would get an entry permit on the territory of the georgian-populated villages together with the georgian workers for carrying out of the repair works on the water-sluice, had been reached between the co-chairmen of JCC from the ossetian and the georgian sides Boris Chochiev and Dmitriy Mandzhavidze.
According to the chief of the housing and communal services of the administration of Tskhinval Dmitriy Dzhussoev, already today, though only part of the repair works is done, the water delivery to the town has increased.

The comment of the Co-chairman of the South-Ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev concerning some statements of the ambassador of the USA in Georgia John Taft

20/08/2007 - 10:21

Today the ambassador of the USA in Georgia John Teft has declared that the international community should take «the uncontrollable Rukskij tunnel». We inform specially for his data (if he does not know that till now), that the Rukskij tunnel is not uncontrollable, it is under double control. It is controlled by the Russian Federation from the north, and by the Republic of South Ossetia - from the south. The control of the Republic of South Ossetia over the southern portal of the Rrukskij tunnel, we explain to Taft, is carried out on the basis of the norms of international law, providing the right of the nations and the people on self-determination, on the basis of all the complex of acts and norms of international law, being in action on the moment of declaration of state independence of the Republic of South Ossetia in the beginning of 90th years.

«A march of peace» in a georgian way. The history repeats

17/08/2007 - 10:29

In September the georgian authorities are going to organize the so-called «march of peace» to the borders of South Ossetia. Considering the aggressive rhetoric of the management of Georgia, promising to solve the problem of South Ossetia in the nearest future and as a whole the intense situation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, this action can result in nothing except for the next coil of intensity. There had already been a similar march in the history of the georgian-ossetian relations.

The georgian police has detained a passenger bus

17/08/2007 - 10:26

As they have informed at the south-ossetian part of JCC, on August, 15th the georgian police detained at an illegal (that is placed without the permission of the international Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict) post and did not let pass a passenger bus, following the ossetian village Artsev. The reason of preventing from movement of the passenger bus the georgian policemen named the fact that there were three bags of flour, that had been bought by 45 passengers of the bus by sharing the cost.

Robert Guliev: «We hope, that we will be allowed to complete the repair works up to the end, and the problem of water supply of Tskhinval will be solved at last»

17/08/2007 - 10:25

The liquidation of illegal cuts on the site of the water-sluice Edis - Tskhinval, controllable by the georgian side, proceeds. The earlier held monitoring has confirmed that problems for water supply of Tskhinval create the numerous cuts into the water-sluice on the piece, passing through the georgian-populated villages Kemert - Kheiti. According to the mayor of Tskhinval Robert Guliev, «yesterday the georgian repair brigade under the direction of the ossetian experts liquidated 12 cuts into the water-sluice, 3 of which were more than 80 mm in diameter. The georgian side did not create any obstacles in carrying out of the repair works and even has given all the necessary technical equipment».

The south-ossetian repairmen are going to restore the water supply of Tskhinval

16/08/2007 - 11:32

On the piece of the water-sluice Edis - Tskhinval, controllable by the georgian side, are found new illegal cuts, because of which the supply of potable water to Tskhinval practically has been completely stopped. Damages are revealed in the course of monitoring with the participation of the observers from JPKF and the Mission of OSCE in the georgian-populated villages Kemert, Zartsem and Kheiti.

Boris Chochiev: «The South-Ossetian side will be compelled to block the Tiriponskij, Saltvisskij and Kekhvskij irrigation canals, through which water is delivered to Georgia»

14/08/2007 - 17:42

The Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict from the south-ossetian side Boris Chochiev has sent a letter to the Co-chairman of JCC from the Russian side J. Popov, to the Co-chairman of JCC from the Georgian side D. Mandzhavidze, to the Co-chairman of JCC from the north-ossetian side M. Тkhostov, to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia R.Riv, to the Commander of JPKF the general-major M.M.Kulakhmetov, to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Georgia V.Kovalenko, to the Ambassador of the USA in Georgia J.Teft, to the ambassador of Great Britain in Georgia D.MakLaren, to the Ambassador of Germany in Georgia P.Florae, to the Ambassador of France in Georgia F. Lefor and to the ambassador of Italy in Georgia F.Romano.
