An appeal of JPKF Headquarters

Wed, 18/06/2008 - 11:22

On 14 June 2008 the team of military observers from the three sides in concert with the OSCE Mission representatives conducted a monitoring of the Little and Larger Liakhva gorge settlements and also at the south-eastern border of JPKF responsibility zone.
During the monitoring there was found recently equipped dug-out in the Medjriskhevi village. The same day in the vicinity of Sver and Andis villages, were the sides recorded the facts of cattle steeling, was found another illegal post of the Georgian police with the equipped weapon emplacement. It is necessary to note conduction of fortification works troubles local population. Activity of illegal posts of the law enforcement organs impedes movement of people, goods and services within the conflict zone and also it is an obstacle for the humanitarian operations. JPKF Headquarters emphasizes that such unilateral actions are artificially destabilize the situation in the conflict zone.

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