Boris Chochiev: Georgia organizes new provocations

Mon, 15/03/2010 - 18:22

Georgian authorities started to carry out new provocations, stated the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev commenting on the reports by Georgian media about alleged shooting at the village of Nikozi from the South Ossetian side.
Boris Chochiev reminded that while making a speech at the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London, Georgian President Saakashvili stated a new war in the South Caucasus region is possible and that he would no exclude the probability of the conflict in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"It means that Georgia is again getting prepared for something. Now, they are backed by the EU military monitors (EUMM). Before them, this mission belonged to the OSCE military observers who did nothing to prevent such provocations and were clearly covering the unlawful actions of Georgia", said Chochiev. Apart from this, he mentioned, the next round of the Geneva discussions is soon taking place – on 18 March, the Talks Co-Chairs are arriving in South Ossetia: "Owing to this, as usual, Georgia can't help but organize new provocation".
It is worth reminding that according to information disseminated by Georgian media, "On 12 March, the Georgian village of Nikozi in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict came under fire at night. The EMM observers have already made a spot visit".

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