The personal exhibition of Ushang Kozaev is opened in Moscow

Tue, 17/05/2011 - 14:27

On 17 May the opening of a personal exhibition of the honorable member of the Russian Academy of Art, a well-earned artist of North Ossetia and a national artist of South Ossetia Ushang Kozaev will take place in the State Exhibition Hall "The New Manege" in Moscow. Being a very bright master of brush, Ushang Kozaev has been working in the abstract style, having his original manner.

Since the end of the 70th – the beginning of the 80th of the past century he is a well-known figure in the youth art, and has become a member of the Artists` Union of the USSR. In his works he expresses the events of the ten years prescription, and also the ancient legends, the epopee of struggling and sufferings of his people, considering the historical context. The colors, the texture, the peculiarity of the illumination of graphic space of the canvas, the compositional structure- are the basic methods of his artistic expression. The military conflict, the events in Tskhinval, whose participant was also Ushang Kozaev, have been also reflected in his creative activity. His composition "Tskhinval" is full of expression, it appeals to compassion and sounds as the hymn to the perished. The creative works of Ushang Kozaev are well known not only in Ossetia, but also abroad. His .works have been exposed overseas not once, including Denmark, Japan, Germany, China, and the USA. The delegation of the government of the Republic of South Ossetia headed by the President of the Republic Eduard Kokoity will be present at the opening of the exhibition.

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