Dmitry Medoev suggested Giulietto Chiesa to represent the interests of South Ossetia in Europe


Presidential candidate Dmitry Medoev suggested the famous European scientist and public figure Giulietto Chiesa to represent the interests of South Ossetia in Europe. This has been reported to IA "Res" at the headquarters of the candidate. This proposal was declared by the candidate at the meeting with his supporters, which was also attended by Giulietto Chiesa.

"You are a well-known person, you travel a lot and communicate with people, you love and you know South Ossetia, so you could represent our interests in Europe" - Medoev appealed to the European scientist. "If you become the president, I will accept this proposal with pleasure," - said Giulietto Chiesa and stressed that one should strive for further international recognition, for further development of South Ossetia. "This work may be done only by the president who has diplomatic experience, who knows and is able to communicate with the leaders of foreign countries" - said Chiesa.
It should be reminded, that Giulietto Chiesa is the author of many papers and studies on the post-Soviet history. He is also the leader of the European social movement "Alternative"; in 2004-2009 he was a member of the European Parliament, where he spoke in support of the independence of South Ossetia.

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