Lira Kozaeva: "Point of View" - efficient and actual format

Thu, 17/01/2013 - 23:02

The meetings of representatives of South Ossetia and Georgia within the framework of the project "Point of View" – are efficient and actual, has said in an interview with the news agency "Res" a Chairman of the South Ossetian NGO "Association of the South Ossetian Women for Democracy and Human Rights" Lira Kozaeva, who has returned from Yerevan after participation in the regular Ossetian-Georgian meeting, held in the format "Point of View."

" Working in Yerevan was very hard. It was about the prospects of opening the border between South Ossetia and Georgia. Georgian delegation is constantly talking about the need to open the road. Yes, we agree, but only after Georgia to revoke the law on the occupied territories. Only after that, "- emphasized Kozaeva.
At the meeting was also discussed the possibility of opening the Ergneti market, which had been functioning until 2004 at the border of South Ossetia and Georgia.
"We said that to open the Ergneti market - is an absurd," – has said the head of the NGO, noting that at present there is no political or practical background for the resumption of the border trade contacts.
According to Kozaeva, in Yerevan was discussed the possibility of providing assistance to the citizens of South Ossetia, kept in the Georgian prisons, ascertaining the fate of the missing persons, to make the film, arrange a photo exhibition on the events of August 2008.
"Our delegation has also worked hard that the project of the University of California on virtual learning of conflict resolution to be implemented with the South Ossetian students. We are looking for any common ground to help in the constructive endeavor to rebirth our Republic, "- she said.
The Chairman of the NGO has said that some "biased political analysts and experts, funded by various destructive forces", are trying to slander the participants of the meetings "Point of View", labeling them as traitors.
"Suddenly a group of so-called political analysts and experts made a fuss and without choosing expressions, called us the traitors, the disgrace to the nation. I agree on the air, before South Ossetia to tell on my work, and I am ready to listen to all complaints and respond to them, "- said Kozaeva.
In her view, closing of the format "Point of View" will become "another information defeat of South Ossetia."
"Our official bodies require from the Georgian side the recognition of genocide, an international assessment of the events of August 2008, the payment of compensation, but it`s impossible if not to meet with representatives of Georgia. Why can`t I say to colleagues from Georgia, that for 20 years they have brought all the infrastructure to zero, caused huge damage to my Republic, throwing us back to the margins of history? "- has said a social worker.
Kozaeva has told about the establishment of the format "Point of View", noting that at the first meeting the South Ossetian participants made a condition not to affect the status of South Ossetia.
"After the events of August 2008, when we thought that, finally, the international community had understood the essence of democracy in Georgia, but in fact it turned out that it had not, I have realized that I need to bring the Western journalists in the Republic, or to go out myself and to inform the Western public objectively, "- said Kozaeva.
According to her, until December 2008 was a preparation for this project, involving various Russian and foreign public figures. However, at the instigation of the Georgian authorities they have been denied visas to enter the U.S.
"At that time we were offered to take part in a meeting with representatives of the civil society of Georgia, which would have to be held at the George Mason University. We agreed because we knew it was a chance to get a U.S. visa. We were six women, and we immediately got the visas. We were working 14 days for objective informing of the West. It was the first time that the Georgian media stated they were losing the information war ", - said Kozaeva.
According to her, the Georgian special services tried to present her even as the FSS agent and she had to talk about it with the FSS.
"We realized how constructive these meetings could be, and how much profit they could bring, and these meetings continued. The meeting in Yerevan was already the 12th, "- she said.
The meetings are also attended by representatives of international organizations, which are provided the information about what has happened and is happening in South Ossetia....

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