South Ossetia is celebrating the Day of the National Media

Tue, 23/07/2013 - 11:40

Today, July 23, South Ossetia is celebrating the Day of the National Media. The festive date is timed to the first issue of the Ossetian newspaper - "Iron gazette."

This year, the Republic is also celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Russian-language press (in 1983 in Tskhinval began publishing a Russian version of the Ossetian newspaper "Soveton Iryston") and the 20th anniversary of the main printed media –a newspaper "South Ossetia".
The formation of the South Ossetian media was in the post-Soviet period - in the 1990s in the Republic were created national TV, the news agency, were published the updated state and several independent publications.
The development of the national media took place within the context of economic blockade and the constant military threat from Georgia, several times degenerating into open aggression. The main objective of the South Ossetian journalism in the early period was the information blockade breakthrough - under the guise of it the Georgian provincial fascism tried to destroy the young state. However, the grains of truth about the events in South Ossetia penetrated through the veil. An invaluable contribution to this difficult, often risky work was made by the South Ossetian media. The informational confrontation continues today, but attempts to distort the truth about the events taking place in the Republic are doomed to fail in the struggle with objectivity, professionalism and sense of duty – the qualities that South Ossetian journalists possess in full.полной мере.

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