Oleg Tsarev: Recognition of South Ossetia is an important step in the state-building of Novorossiya

Tue, 14/10/2014 - 16:33

Speaker of the Parliament of Novorossiya Oleg Tsarev, arrived in South Ossetia on a working visit, has met today in Tskhinval with deputies of the Parliament of the Republic.

At the beginning of the meeting the participants of the meeting observed a minute of silence in memory of members of the militia and civilians killed in Donetsk and Lugansk.
Oleg Tsarev has expressed his gratitude to the Parliament of the Republic, which supported the appeal for recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.
"I`ve come today to thank you for your support and help, to pave the way for closer cooperation", - he said.
The Speaker said that the recognition of South Ossetia was an important step in the state-building of Novorossiya.
"Our next step is the election that will bring us to the recognition and independence. But our ultimate goal is the accession to Russia. We understand that the situation there today is also difficult, and we will not achieve our goal at once," - said Tsarev.
He has noted that the country is now drawing up new laws, based on the legislation of Russia.
Tsarev is confident that the current leadership of Ukraine will not long be in power.
"There is a pre-default situation in the country. I am confident that the current leadership of Ukraine will be in power less than a year,"- said Tsarev, adding that people in Novorossiya strive for building a state attractive to everyone, free of Nazi ideology and the power of oligarchs, with high living standards.
Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov has said that the deputies are ready to closely cooperate and will sign all the necessary bilateral agreements.
"In addition, MPs as observers will participate in the elections in Novorossiya, which will be held on November 2," - said Bibilov.
Oleg Tsarev has arrived in the Republic for the first time. Today in Tskhinval has been held a meeting with President Leonid Tibilov. In the №5 schoolyard he has also took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial cemetery for the victims of the Georgian aggression.

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