The Russian government has submitted the Treaty of alliance and integration with South Ossetia to be signed by Vladimir Putin

Thu, 26/02/2015 - 08:57

The resolution has been published today on the website of the government of the Russian Federation.
"The Treaty is a basic document for the phased establishment of closer cooperation in socio- economic and humanitarian spheres between Russia and South Ossetia, as well as in matters of foreign policy, defense and security while preserving the state sovereignty of South Ossetia", - is stated in the resolution.
The document says, that in furtherance of the treaty will be concluded separate agreements in the listed areas of cooperation, including on the formation of a common space of defense and security, combating organized crime.
The Treaty will be concluded for 25 years and may be extended for successive ten-year periods. The Treaty is subject to ratification as establishes rules different from those provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The resolution emphasizes that the signing of the Treaty will contribute to strengthening the legal framework of the Russian-Ossetian cooperation.

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