KGB of South Ossetia recommends residents of the border villages to take a responsible attitude to the emerging epidemic situation in Georgia

Tue, 07/09/2021 - 22:39

The State Security Committee of South Ossetia has informed about the absence of positive trends in the fight against the spread of coronavirus in Georgia.

"The analysis of the incoming information indicates not only the extremely low intensity of the immunization process of the Georgian population, but also the regular increase in the number of deaths, as well as the provision by the Georgian authorities of distorted information about the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country," the KGB said in a statement released on Tuesday.

As noted by the press service, on August 22, the American newspaper "New York Times" reported that Georgia is the world leader in infections and deaths from Covid-19, ranking first in the anti-morbidity rating. In particular, about 132 coronavirus infections and about 1.26 deaths from this infection occur per day in the country for every 100 thousand inhabitants.

According to New York Times analysts, the Dominican Republic occupies the closest position to Georgia in the anti-rating, where about 108 cases of Covid-19 infection are recorded daily per 100 thousand inhabitants.

"Against the backdrop of a critical epidemiological situation, the Georgian leadership does not abandon its attempts to incite the residents of South Ossetia to illegally cross the South Ossetian-Georgian border in order to undergo mass immunization, which is part of the policy of the official Tbilisi to involve citizens of the Republic in its social space," the statement reads.

The KGB strongly recommends residents of border settlements on both sides of the border with understanding and responsibility to treat the emerging sanitary and epidemiological situation and not violate the current border legislation, because this entails both administrative and criminal liability.

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