More than 60 international observers will be observing the presidential elections in South Ossetia


More than 60 international observers representing Russia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, etc. will be following the voting process in South Ossetia in the Republic's presidential elections on Sunday, Kristina Avlokhova, Secretary of the Central Election Commission of South Ossetia, told reporters.

"We have more than 60 people registered, some international observers have already arrived," the CEC Secretary said.

Representatives of Turkey, Austria, Venezuela, Italy, Russia, Syria, Abkhazia, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics will be following the voting process in the Republic, Avlokhova has specified. observers from Russia are State Duma deputies, members of the Federation Council, the Central Election Commission of Russia, all of them have already arrived in Tskhinval.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic, each registered candidate has the right to send his observer to each polling station.

In accordance with the Constitution of South Ossetia, the president is elected for five years, the same person cannot hold this position for more than two consecutive terms.

On April 10, the current head of state Anatoly Bibilov, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Alexander Pliev, leader of the Nykhas political party Alan Gagloev, deputy Garry Muldarov and former deputy Dmitry Tasoev will be competing for the highest state post of the Republic.

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