Intervention in our internal affairs is futile and unacceptable,” - Foreign Minister of South Ossetia


Elections in South Ossetia are democratic and transparent, international observers have always noted the observance of democracy and legality in elections in South Ossetia. The election results cannot be associated with any illegal actions,” President Anatoly Bibilov said at the meeting with international observers.

The legitimacy, transparency and democratic nature of the first round of the presidential elections were confirmed by all 65 members of the delegations of international observers from different countries and well-known political figures of Russia.

Among the Russian politicians who gave their assessment of the elections is the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. According to him, the presidential elections in South Ossetia were held in accordance with the country's constitution, and the citizens of the Republic will determine their outcome in the second round.

“There is no doubt that the elections were held in accordance with the Constitution, the current legislation. And if I'm not mistaken, at this stage, no one questions the current voting procedure - preparation for the elections, their organization,” TASS quotes the senator.

Commenting on the course of the elections, Senator Sergey Tsekov, an international observer from the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, has also stressed that the electoral process was held at a high level, the possibility of electoral fraud was reduced to a minimum.

However, the reaction of many Western states and other partners of Georgia was quite expected. Once again, the foreign ministries of the Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, the United States and Georgia issued the statements the content of which was almost identical and predictable. The foreign ministries and individual politicians of the above states again expressed their “full support for the (so-called) sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia” and stated that they did not recognize the presidential elections in South Ossetia, and considered their results illegitimate, illegal and without legal force.

The presidential elections were held in full accordance with the current legislation

Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Dmitry Medoev commented on the statements of the Foreign Ministries of Georgia, the United States and the Western countries. As Medoev has emphasized, the presidential elections in the Republic of South Ossetia on April 10 were held in full accordance with the current legislation.

“The electoral rights of citizens were ensured with a high turnout of voters. This is noted not only by numerous observers, including the foreign ones, but also by representatives of all the headquarters of candidates for the main state post of our country. Therefore, we are little interested in the opinion of neighboring Georgia and others like it - politicians and state secretaries of the Western states. South Ossetia is a sovereign and democratic state, and elections are our internal affair. Interference in our internal affairs is futile and unacceptable,” Medoev said.

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