Awards and gifts: South Ossetian riot police is marking the 32nd anniversary of its formation

Thu, 15/02/2024 - 18:54

In Tskhinval on Wednesday, a ceremonial formation of personnel of the Vadim Gazzaev Special Purpose Police Detachment took place on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the unit.

The fighters were congratulated by President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev. The head of state has emphasized that the role of the riot police of Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia in ensuring security and order in the Republic is invaluable.

“The professional training, discipline and courage of riot police officers allow you to effectively cope with any challenges you face. In difficult times for the Republic, young guys had to not only protect their citizens from an external enemy, but also preseve law and order in the Republic. You coped with these difficult tasks with honor and dignity, often at the cost of your own lives,” Gagloev has noted.

The President presented state awards to the special forces fighters.

Minister of Internal Affairs Alan Guchmazov also encouraged the fighters with departmental awards.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has noted that riot police officers show dedication to their difficult service every day.

“The heroic feat of the riot police officers who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Republic will forever remain in our memory. We bow our heads to their courage and fortitude ,” Guchmazov has noted.

During the event, President Alan Gagloev handed over to the riot police two UAZ “Patriot” cars, recently donated by the head of Chechnya, Hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov.

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