Meetings of the Supreme Council of South Ossetia were held under the roar of artillery shelling - President

Wed, 29/05/2024 - 18:11

South Ossetia is celebrating the next anniversary of the adoption of the Act of Proclamation of State Independence under peaceful skies, as the recognized sovereign state and with confidence in its future together with Russia. This was noted by President Alan Gagloev, speaking at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Act of Proclamation of Independence of South Ossetia.

The head of state has emphasized that today many people perceive all this as some kind of natural benefit, like sunlight or clean air in our country.

“However, even in this prosperous time, which many generations have dreamed of, we must remember how South Ossetia’s right to today’s prosperous and free life was obtained. In the realities of today, it is not easy to imagine how the meetings of the Supreme Council of South Ossetia took place at that time - in the conditions of constant bombing of Tskhinval, under the roar of artillery shelling, without electricity. They had to speak in a crowded hall of the Supreme Council without a microphone, the multiplier equipment did not work,” Gagloev has reminded.

The activities of the deputies were not only unpaid, but also fraught with serious risk. Some had to make their way through the enemy-occupied territory to get to the session. Many came to the meetings, defending their shifts in the Tskhinval defense positions with weapons in hands.

“Despite the difficult military situation and the direct risk to life, the deputies carried out their work decisively and calmly, following the provisions of the regulations, parliamentary procedures and democratic principles. At the same time, the opportunity for the work of government bodies, the work of deputies of the Supreme Council was ensured by the dedication and heroism of the defense forces of South Ossetia, who were fighting to the death in the unequal battle defending their native Ossetia. Many sons of Ossetia laid down their lives on the battlefield. Our people paid an exorbitant price with shed blood and suffering, showing examples of the highest patriotism, perseverance, courage, and dedication,” the leader of the Republic said.

This was our path to freedom, national revival and restoration of independent statehood, he has emphasized.

“Everyone contributed, everyone fulfilled their sacred civic duty to the country. We must always remember this,” he has stressed.

The President once again, on behalf of all the people of the Republic, thanked the deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of the first convocation for their civil feat, for their selfless and sacrificial service to the people and the Fatherland.

He expressed confidence that every citizen of the Republic of South Ossetia would join the words of gratitude and appreciation addressed to you.

“Unfortunately, among us there are no longer many of those fellow citizens who were directly involved in the proclamation and formation of the Republic, in the struggle for freedom, for the right of our people to self-determination, those who defended the Fatherland with their breasts and their blood in those distant times. and who should rightfully share the joy of today’s festive celebration,” he said.

The blessed memory of all those people who dedicated their lives to defending the Fatherland, but did not live to see this day, was observed with a minute of silence.

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