South Ossetia honored the memory of the defenders of the Transnistrian city of Bendery

Thu, 20/06/2024 - 16:34

The head of the official representation of South Ossetia in Transnistria, Vitaly Yankovsky, took part in the mourning memorial events dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the beginning of the aggression of the Republic of Moldova against the Pridnestrovian people, the press service of the representation reports.

The South Ossetian diplomat laid fresh flowers at the Eternal Flame at the Memorial of Memory and Sorrow, erected in memory of the defenders of the Transnistrian city of Bendery, perished during the armed aggression of the Republic of Moldova in 1992,” the statement of the press service reads.

In his address on the occasion of the anniversary of the tragic events, Vitaly Yankovsky has noted that June 19 is a tragic date in the history of Pridnestrovie.

“The aggression of the Moldovan nationalists took the lives of hundreds of people and ruined many lives. The valiant defenders, who laid down their lives on the altar of the Fatherland, showed massive heroism, fortitude and courage. The Bendery tragedy further strengthened the unity and cohesion of the Pridnestrovian people,” Yankovsky said.

According to him, people of South Ossetia, who have gone through difficult trials, stand in solidarity with the Pridnestrovians in their noble desire for peace.

“In these sorrowful days, South Ossetia is expressing support for the fraternal people of Pridnestrovie, bowing heads before the feat of those who were selflessly fighting for freedom. May the tragic events of those years never be repeated, and may there always be peace and harmony on the fertile Pridnestrovian land,” Vitaly Yankovsky has noted.

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