Archive - 29/12/2010


Wed, 29/12/2010 - 13:39

Alan Djussoev: Border Crossing Procedures are Absolutely the Same for Doctors, Teachers and Officials

Some Russian media referring to the Georgian mass media spread misinformation of the Georgian propaganda that the authorities of South Ossetia allegedly created difficulties in crossing the state border for health workers of Leningor district of South Ossetia.
It was stated that it is supposedly done "in retaliation for the fact that the doctors at the local hospital did not sign the statement made by the authorities of South Ossetia, which refers to the occupation of the region by Georgian authorities."
In this connection, IA "Res" contacted the head of the administration of Leningor district Alan Djussoev, who recalled that "the border-crossing checkpoint in Leningor area is properly functioning. There are border crossing procedures, and they are absolutely the same for doctors and teachers, as well as for officials and ordinary citizens. But, unfortunately, we have not developed any rule for border-crossing with Georgia for emergency situations. This creates difficulties. So, all other issues, both the responsibility for patients and doctors rests solely on the Georgian side. "