Archive - 12/2/2024

Mon, 12/02/2024 - 21:25

The “Black and white” battles on the pkatform of the Russian House: South Ossetia joined the international online chess tournament

The South Ossetian youth chess team took part in the International inter-club online tournament “Batalla por la paz”.

According to the Russian House in Tskhinval, 38 teams from Russia and Latin American countries also competed for the palm.

The Russian House in Tskhinval has become a platform for honing the skills of future grandmasters.

Mon, 12/02/2024 - 21:23

The national culture of South Ossetia will be presented at the World Youth Festival - a member of the NPK

Young people from South Ossetia are actively preparing to participate in the World Youth Festival (WYF), Diana Dzhussoeva, a member of the National Preparatory Committee (NPC), has noted during the press conference in Tskhinval.

According to her, young leaders from South Ossetia in the field of culture, sports, media, education, entrepreneurship, IT technology, diplomacy, etc. will take part in the WFW.