

Fri, 03/07/2015 - 11:35

The report of South Ossetian delegation on the outcome of the 32nd round of international discussions on security in Transcaucasia

June 30 - July 1, 2015 In Geneva was held the 32nd round of international discussions on security in Transcaucasia, attended by delegations of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, the Russian Federation, the United States, as well as the EU, UN and OSCE representatives. South Ossetian delegation was headed by Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev.
Two working groups were discussing humanitarian and security issues. The working group on security, in accordance with the Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement, focused on the non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as to ensure security and stability in the region.
The South Ossetian delegation reiterated its call for revitalization of the work on a legally binding bilateral agreement on the non-use of force, which would have solid international guarantees.
There was continued the expert work on harmonization of the text of the joint statement on the commitment to the principle of non-use of force.
South Ossetian participants have rejected the attempts of the Georgian delegation to link the discussion of security issues in the region with South Ossetian-Russian bilateral relations, stressing that the South Ossetian-Russian relations are developing exclusively on the basis of international law and fully comply with the interests of security and peace in the region.
Discussing the issues of stability and security in the area of the South Ossetian-Georgian border, the participants noted the lack of serious incidents and the relative stability of the situation.
At the same time it was considered the destabilizing course of activities of the Georgian side to damage the South Ossetian border signs, intentional violation of the state border, buildup of informational tension around the boundary issue and points of intersection.
South Ossetian representatives reiterated the proposal of the authorities of South Ossetia to begin a bilateral joint work on delimitation and demarcation of the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia.
The panelists noted the usefulness and feasibility of continuing of the Mechanism for preventing and responding to incidents in the area of South Ossetian-Georgian border, acting in the framework of the Geneva discussions.
The representatives of South Ossetia and Abkhazia have expressed great concern for stability and security in the region in relation to new steps of integration of Georgia with NATO military bloc and the creation of the NATO infrastructure on the territory of Georgia.
The rapprochement between Georgia and NATO cannot but cause concern on the background of persistent refusal by the Georgian authorities to sign with South Ossetia and Abkhazia the documents on non-use of force and the persistent claims of Georgia to the territory of sovereign states - the republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Absolutely destructive, biased and tendentious move was regarded the report on "violation" of human rights in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, submitted by Georgia to the OSCE. It is obvious, this political provocation was planned in order to distort the two countries, trying to achieve their international isolation.
Due to the fact that Georgia has once again railroaded through the UN General Assembly a resolution on refugees, South Ossetian and Abkhaz participants in the Geneva discussions considered it impossible to participate in the discussion of this issue in Geneva.
In the joint statement released by the South Ossetian and Abkhaz participants have noted that the resumption of the discussion of the refugee problem will be possible in case of refusal of Georgia from the artificial politicization of this issue.
South Ossetian and Abkhaz participants pointed to the absolute unacceptability of acts of Georgia and its European partners to take all measures in order to prevent the participation of football teams of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the European Championship ConIFA in Hungary.
It has taken a thorough discussion of humanitarian issues, in particular, to address the issue of the missing persons and residents of South Ossetia illegally convicted in Georgia.
The South Ossetian delegation reiterated the proposal of the President Leonid Tibilov to consider the question of mutual release of the convicted citizens of South Ossetia and Georgia, and received assurances that the Georgian authorities would react responsibly to clarify the fate of the missing persons.
South Ossetian participants again raised the question of the return of cultural treasures by Georgia. They presented materials on the unique icon-triptych, stolen from the South Ossetia museum and now being in Georgia.
At the end of the round were briefly summed up its results.
The next meeting in Geneva is scheduled for October 2015.
Geneva, July 2, 2015

Fri, 03/07/2015 - 10:13

Joint statement by the delegations of Abkhazia and South Ossetia at the Geneva discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia

For several, the UN General Assembly adopts the draft resolution introduced by Georgia on refugees and displaced persons from Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Repeating each year the text of the document, Georgia is trying to impose on the world community one-sided, politicized and distorted vision of the refugee problem, in order to reinforce its illegitimate territorial claims.
The UNGA draft resolution on refugees and displaced persons tabled in June 2015 by Georgia, the text of which does not differ from the earlier adopted resolutions of the UN General Assembly, refers to the confirmation of the right of all displaced persons and refugees and their descendants to return "to their homes throughout Georgia including Abkhazia and South Ossetia."

The text of the resolution imposed to the international community passes over in silence that the appearance of these refugees and displaced persons is directly connected with the war unleashed by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. There is not also mentioned, that of more than one hundred thousand Ossetians fleeing from ethnic cleansing on the Georgian territory and found refuge in South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, only few managed to return home.

The text of the resolution is silent, that the governments of South Ossetia and Abkhazia on their own initiative returned to their homes tens of thousands of Georgian refugees. The text of the resolution submitted by Georgia does not take into account the existing political realities, in particular, the fact that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are independent states, but also demonstrates that Georgia is not going to find a solution of complex humanitarian issues.

It is obvious that the resolution railroading by Georgia from year to year, cannot improve the situation on refugees from Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and also adversely affects the course of the Geneva discussions, which remain the only platform where representatives of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Georgia have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of existing problems, including the problem of refugees and displaced persons.

The main key to the solution of the refugee problem is not diplomatic tricks and resolutions designed for propaganda effect, but non-confrontation and the signing of a legally binding agreement on non- use of force, and ultimately - the peace treaty between Georgia Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Politicization of the refugee problem by Georgia undermines the work to discuss this issue in the framework of the Geneva talks. As Georgia prefers to discuss issues related to the situation of refugees and displaced persons in such an authoritative international body like the UN General Assembly, South Ossetia and Abkhazia insist on their right to participate in the discussion of this issue in the United Nations. As long as are continued political games around the refugee problem behind Abkhazia and South Ossetia, there will be not meaning to discuss this issue within the framework of the Geneva talks.


Wed, 01/07/2015 - 16:06

The South Ossetian youth representatives took part in the celebration of the Youth Day in Dagestan

June 26 - June 29 representatives of the South Ossetian youth public organization "Sunrise" of the People's Party of South Ossetia, the Committee on Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of South Ossetian and youth activists took part in the celebration of the Youth Day in the Republic of Dagestan,.
According to Deputy Chairman of the organization "Sunrise" Azamat Kokoev, South Ossetian side was invited to the festival by the management of the tourist center "Seagull" - the state budgetary institution of the Republic of Dagestan.

"In Dagestan, we have been welcomed with incredible warmth - said Kokoev. - We met with youth activists of the Republic, took part in a round table organized by the Youth Parliament of Derbent, where we discussed issues of cooperation between our countries, creating interesting joint projects. "

According to Kokoev, during the event was read out a welcome address of the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia Sergey Zasseev to the Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Zaur Kurbanov.
"This is not our first trip to Dagestan - said Koko. - We exchange experiences with Dagestani youth, they also come to us. We maintain good friendly relations, and intend to strengthen them further."

Kokoev has noted that for representatives of South Ossetia was organized a tour of the sights of Dagestan.
"Dagestanis are very hospitable people - said Kokoev. – We have very positive impressions of the trip. We would like to express special thanks to the management of the tourist center
"Seagull" in the person of Dada Hajiyev and his Deputy Hassan Ataev for cordial reception. "

According to Kokoev, South Ossetian delegation was also invited to the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the city of Derbent in September.

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 14:53

The 32d round of international discussions on security in Transcaucasia is under way in Geneva

30 June - 1 July, in Geneva is being held the 32 round of international discussions on security in Transcaucasia.
As reported to IA "Res" by the press service of the Presidential Envoy to the RSO, June 30, the South Ossetian delegation held bilateral consultations with the Co-Chairs of the Geneva discussions. It was also held tripartite consultations between the delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia with the delegations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia.

July 1 the discussions will be continued. The main question raised by the delegation of South Ossetia is to prepare an agreement on the non-use of force against the Republic of South Ossetia by Georgia and security issues of South Ossetia. It will also be discussed humanitarian issues, including the issue of searching for the missing citizens of South Ossetia, as well as the residents of South Ossetia imprisoned in Georgia.


Tue, 30/06/2015 - 14:56

President Leonid Tibilov met with representatives of the public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region"

In Tskhinval took place the meeting of the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov with a delegation of ethnic and cultural expedition to North and South Ossetia, headed by the Chairman of the regional public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" Rostik Khugaev. During the meeting the head of state has noted that each member of the delegation contributes to friendship of the peoples of Russia in the Samara region.
Leonid Tibilov greeted each guest and thanked Rostik Khugaev for organizing this event.
"I drew attention to the ethnic composition of the delegation. I am pleased that there are so many nationalities in the Samara region, whose representatives are present here today.
Rostislav Khugaev with dignity represents our people in the Samara region. Most recently he headed the executive power in the Republic of South Ossetia. We worked together in a rather difficult time. In addition, I would like to convey my best wishes to the Governor and the people of Samara region", - said Tibilov.

"Today's meeting can be regarded as the continuation of cooperation with Russia. The history of our Republic is rich in events, among which, unfortunately, there are also tragic ones. They are known all over the world, among the latter are the events of August 2008. But with Russia we felt a true help of friends. Without the support of our strategic partner, it is hard to imagine the wellbeing of the people of South Ossetia ", - he said.
The President has also told about the Agreement on alliance and integration signed between South Ossetia and Russia.
In turn, the Chairman of the regional public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" Rostik Khugaev expressed his gratitude to the President for the reception. According to Khugaev, the purpose of the visit of the delegation is familiarity with the culture, education and the various spheres of life of the Republic.
"People, who have arrived here, love their people, culture and language. Each of them tries to keep traditions and customs, and thanks to their efforts the diasporas in the Samara region work jointly", - said Khugaev.
The Chairman of the public organization "National-Cultural Autonomy of Chechens in Samara 'Vainakh'" Marat Beligov expressed his gratitude to the leadership and people of South Ossetia for the warm reception and noted that in future the relationship of the Ossetian and Chechen peoples will be strengthened.
"Let peace and tranquility always reign in South Ossetia. If you need the help of the Chechen people, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with the brotherly Ossetian people "- said Beligov.
In turn, the Chairman of the public organization "Samara Armenian regional national-cultural autonomy 'Nairi' Zohrab Mirzoyan wished the Ossetian people prosperity.
The Chairman of the Samara regional public organization "Russian National center" Vladimir Sherstnev also called today's meeting historic.
Consultant of national and religious policy of the Department of monitoring public opinion of the administration of the governor of the Samara region Elena Tyumina has also expressed gratitude to the President for the reception, noting that the leadership of the Samara region pays special attention to national issues. "
Thank you for your hospitality and every member of our delegation will take with him a piece of Ossetian traditions and will be very proud of it. They are all very friendly, so everyone tries to strengthen friendship in the Samara region,"- said Tyumina.
On behalf of Governor Nicholas Merkoushkin the head of state was presented a commemorative gift.
Deputy Head of the Presidential Executive Office Konstantin Pukhaev also spoke about the history of the statehood of South Ossetia, noting that the Samara region was one of the first which had rendered assistance to the people of Ossetia during the Georgian aggression.
The delegation of ethno-cultural expeditions to North and South Ossetia has included: the Chairman of the regional public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" Rostik Khugaev, president of the Association of legal entities "Group companies' Amond '' Irbeg Khugaev, management consultant of national and religious policy of the Department of public opinion monitoring of the administration of the governor of the Samara region Elena Tyumina, the Chairman of the public organization "National-Cultural Autonomy of Chechens in Samara 'Vainakh' "Marat Beligov, the Chairman of the public organization "Armenian regional national-cultural autonomy in Samara 'Nairi' Zohrab Mirzoyan, head of the public organization "Kurultai" in Samara Camila Sizyakova, the Chairman of the Samara regional public organization "Cultural Center of Dagestan "Narsulla Hamzayev, the Chairman of the Jewish national-cultural autonomy "Tarbut Laam" Mark Kogan, the Chairman of the Samara regional public organization" Mordovian National Cultural Center '' Matorava '" Lubov Kolesnikova, the head of the public organization "Local Mordovian national cultural autonomy" Elena Pervushkina, the Chairman of the public organization of the Samara Region "The regional center of German culture '' Hoffnung'' Irma Belenina, the Chairman of the Samara Public organization "Ossetian national cultural center '' Alania'' Stanislav Koibaev, the Chairman of the Samara regional public organization "Russian National center "Vladimir Sherstnev, the Chairman of the public organization" Samara Regional Tatar society 'Tugan tel' ' Elias Shakurov, the Chairman of the Samara regional public organization "Humanitarian Association of Turkmen community in the Volga region" Kuvat Gurbangylychev and the Chairman of the regional public organization "Ukrainian National Cultural Center' ' Promin' Ivan Kaplienko.


Mon, 29/06/2015 - 21:23

The Delegation of the public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" met with the rector of the South Ossetian State University

Administration of the South-Ossetian State University headed by the rector Vadim Tedeev met with a delegation of the Russian regional public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" headed by the Chairman Rostislav Khugaev. The meeting was attended by the Patriarch of Ossetian literature, scholar and publicist Nafi Dzhussoyty.
Rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev welcomed the guests, told them about the history of the university, its traditions and plans for the future.
"South Ossetian State University has a proud tradition - said the rector. - It is one of the oldest universities in the Caucasus."
The rector has noted that under the Investment Program to promote socio-economic development of the Republic in 2015-2017 will be constructed the new university complex.
"This year we will develop design and estimate documentation for the university complex, from January 2016 will begin demolition of buildings and the construction of the campus- said Tedeev. - I think, when the university complex is built, it will be easier to solve the current problems, to improve the functioning of the university. "
Rostislav Khugaev, in turn, spoke about the challenges facing the organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region."
"We often talk about the fact that Russia will be richer if the nations feel comfortable in our country - said Khugaev. - All members of the delegation are doing everything to preserve the language, culture, thanks to each of them reigns a friendship between different nationalities. Arriving in South Ossetia, having become acquainted with its culture and education in the country, each person on arrival home will talk about what they saw and heard. "
During the event, the public figure from Ossetia, the winner of the national award "Apple of Narts", the Chairman of the charitable public fund "Amond" Kazbek Chelekhsaty donated to the South Ossetian State University the medal issued by the fund in honor of the patriarch of the Ossetian literature Nafi Dzhusoyty.
Chelekhsaty also gave a positive assessment of the South Ossetian University.
"I am very pleased that with the appointment of a new rector one can see real innovations at the university that were necessary and are yielding positive results," - said Chelekhsaty.
Nafi Dzhussoyty, in turn, drew attention to the issues of preserving the languages of the peoples.
"For us, the biggest dream is a dream of friendship of nations - said Dzhussoyty. - Without this, in fact, we have no future. We, poets have always wondered about one thing - what is the future of our language, and, of course, our people. We must do everything so that our languages should have a future – that is our main task. "
Members of the delegation asked the rector of the university questions, shared impressions of their stay in South Ossetia.
The Chairman of the Jewish national-cultural autonomy "Tarbut Laam" of the city of Samara Marc Kogan expressed his admiration for the program of stay in the Republic.
"I am delighted with the program of our stay in South Ossetia, the people with whom we met, - said Kogan. - We have met with people with outstanding intelligence. "
Kogan wished the staff of the South Ossetian university fruitful work and success.
"You are, in my opinion, at the beginning of a nice way, you sow reasonable, good, eternal, - said Kogan, addressing the rector and faculty of the university. - you, your work, your university is the center of attraction for all the intellectual and political forces so that respect for intellectual work should be demonstrated not only in verbal respect, but also in the implementation of various projects. "
The delegation of the Russian regional public organization "Union of the Peoples of the Samara region" has included representatives of the Tatar, Ukrainian, Armenian, Dagestan, Jewish, German and other nationalities.
At the end of the meeting the guests and hosts exchanged gifts.


Fri, 26/06/2015 - 09:58

The delegation of South Ossetia took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

The delegation of South Ossetia took part in the World Economic Forum, held from June 18 to 20 in St. Petersburg, said Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of South Ossetia William Dzagoev during a press conference held in the framework of the project "Open Government" at the press center of the State Committee of Information and Press.
"At the forum were working various sectional groups to discuss problems of small businesses, as well as the issues of the entire state.
I am impressed by the fact that the Russian Federation is not silent about the situation in connection with the sanctions measures.
"In 2015 it is expected GDP 3% decline, in 2016 will be stagnation, and in 2017 the Russian economy will begin to progressively regain that it lost to the present day," - said Minister of Economic Development.
Dzagoev has added that the South Ossetian delegation took part in the plenary session of the forum, addressed by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the leaders of foreign states.
Minister of Economic Development appreciated highly the level of organization of the forum.
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is held for the nineteenth time, and is the leading global platform for communication of well-known politicians and businessmen.
This year the motto of the forum, which will unite more than a thousand businessmen from Russia and 65 countries, including the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, Finland and China – is "It`s time to act: by joint efforts for stability and growth '".
The South Ossetian delegation has included Minister of Economic Development William Dzagoev and Finance Minister of South Ossetia Aza Khabalova.


Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:31

In the capital of South Ossetia has been held the first meeting of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide committed against South Ossetians by Georgia in 1920

The first session of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgian Democratic Republic in 1920.
The Meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Commission Eric Pukhaev.
The Commission is established to consider and make decisions on commemoration of the genocide committed by Georgia against South Ossetians in 1920.
The relevant Executive Order was signed by President Leonid Tibilov on June 17, 2015 The commission is composed of prominent scientists - historians, lawyers, artists, representatives of the executive and legislative branches of the government.
The Commission is assigned to make decisions on commemorating of the genocide. According to the RSO Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev, the main objective of the Commission is to bring to the international community the information, the historical truth about the genocide committed against Ossetians in 1920 and achieve the genocide to be condemned by the international community.
Eric Pukhaev offered the participants of the meeting to familiarize with the draft Regulations of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide, according to which will be carried out all subsequent activities. During the meeting was established a working group, which will accumulate all incoming information on the genocide and then, according to the general plan, in the prescribed manner will develop proposals for specific projects.

Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:30

The fact of crossing the state border by Georgian policemen was discussed at the meeting in the framework of the IPRM

During the past period, the South Ossetian border guards detained 20 violators of the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, said Deputy Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty after a meeting of participants of mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (IPRM) in the Georgian village of Ergneti.
"18 of the 20 detainees were deported to Georgia after paying a fine, two are still under investigation," - said Gagloyty.
Deputy Envoy has noted that the participants in the framework of the IPRM have agreed that the security situation on the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia has been found to be satisfactory.
"It was continued to study the incident which took place in the area to the north of the Georgian village of Ditsi - said Gagloyty. - It was recorded the fact of crossing the border from Georgia by several persons in the uniform of riot police. The Georgian side acknowledged that they were representatives of the Georgian police and they carried out activities to search for a local shepherd. They have assured us that in the future they will act in the name of stability and border security. "
According to Gagloyty, the EU Monitoring Mission once again negatively characterized such incidents.
"We, for our part, have once again brought to the Georgian side our position that the protective structures are located in the territory of South Ossetia, and any approach to them is considered as the fact of violation of the state border line", - concluded Gagloyty.

Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:28

The Federation Council ratified the Treaty of alliance and integration between South Ossetia and Russia

The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ratified the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and South Ossetia.
Federal Law "On ratification of the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia" was presented at the plenary session of the upper house by member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Alexander Totoonov.
As reported IA to "Res" by the senator`s assistant Katherine Tolasova, the Treaty was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov in Moscow on March 18. South Ossetian parliament ratified it on April 3 and the State Duma on June 19.
"The Treaty of Alliance and integration is the development of extensive juridical base of relations with a friendly South Ossetia, which has already consisted of 83 bilateral documents and relies on the so-called Major Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. The new agreement fixes the intention of the parties to establish gradually closer cooperation in social, economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as in defense and security matters. It is a framework agreement and is intended to form the basis for conclusion of separate agreements on the mentioned areas ", - said Alexander Totoonov.
According to the parliamentarian, the Treaty fully meets the national interests of our country and corresponds to the line adopted by the President of Russia to render active assistance in the development of South Ossetia as a modern democratic state, strengthening of its international position, security and socio-economic formation of the country.
The senators unanimously supported the ratification of the document.
