

Mon, 22/04/2019 - 15:31

The Defense Minister of South Ossetia will take part in the Moscow Conference on International Security

On the invitation of the Defense Minister of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Republic of South Ossetia, Lieutenant General Ibrahim Gasseev, will take part in the VIII Moscow Conference on International Security, the press service of the Defense Ministry reports.

The Forum will be held in Moscow from April 22 to 25.

Mon, 22/04/2019 - 15:13

Veronika Dzhioeva will perform at the prestigious Puccini Opera Festival in Italy

The Ossetian diva will perform the part in the opera “Turandot”, the premiere of which will take place on July 13 in the Tuscan town of Torre del Lago. Here the opera festival dedicated to the memory of the great composer Giacomo Puccini is held for 65 years. He spent here 30 years of his life and composed the best works.

According to the festival program, the opera “Turandot” with the participation of Veronika Dzhioeva in Torre del Lago can be watched three times - on the day of the premiere on July 13, and also on July 19 and August 17.

Mon, 22/04/2019 - 15:12

The Ossetian Diaspora activists in Latvia honored the memory of their countrymen buried in mass graves

Representatives of the Ossetian diaspora in Latvia are visiting mass graves, where natives of the Republic who died during the Great Patriotic War are buried, reports "15th Region".

The activists have visited five places and honored the memory of seven fellow countrymen - representatives of the Sitokhovs, Mamsurovs, Gazdanovs, Gagloevs, Bagraevs, Doeevs and Gubiyevs.


Sun, 21/04/2019 - 20:45

The PMR MFA noted the high dynamics of working contacts with South Ossetia

Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev met with the head of the Official Representative Office of the Republic of South Ossetia in Transnistria, Vitaly Yankovsky.

Opening the meeting, the Minister stressed the very high dynamics of working contacts at various levels between Transnistria and South Ossetia, the press service of the Transdniestrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

Sun, 21/04/2019 - 10:27

Georgia-USA: Concurring interests against the background of the growing biological threat

This week, a delegation of the US Congress visited Georgia and held a meeting with the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Irakly Kobakhidze. After mutual assurances of the value of the US-Georgian relations, which, according to Kobakhidze, are “future-oriented,” the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament has concluded that a close strategic partnership between Georgia and the United States is based on a coincidence of the regional political interests.


Fri, 19/04/2019 - 21:30

Russia will do everything to support the economic development of South Ossetia - Mutko

The participants of the Intergovernmental Commission discussed the provision of Russian financial assistance to South Ossetia and the work on implementing the new Investment Program.

President of South Ossetia, Anatoly Bibilov, opening the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Socio-Economic Cooperation, noted the fruitful work of the South Ossetian and Russian parties in the implementation of the Investment Program.

Fri, 19/04/2019 - 20:34

South Ossetia intends to open a Trade house in Syria, Damascus is preparing similar steps

South Ossetia is working to open its Trade House in Syria, Damascus is taking similar steps, said on Friday Samer Al-Khalil, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade of the SAR, at the Yalta International Economic Forum.

The parties held a meeting on the margins of the Forum, which opened in Yalta on Thursday. The delegation of South Ossetia at the meeting was headed by President Anatoly Bibilov, who had previously announced the preparation of joint cooperation projects in the economic sphere with Syria.
