

Tue, 13/07/2010 - 10:29

Co-Chairs of Geneva Discussions Hope for Continuation of the Dialogue

Further work of Geneva Discussions needs changes, stated the Plenipotentiary for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev after his meeting with Co-Chairmen in Tskhinval. According to him, “based on the results of the 11th round of Discussions in Geneva, the Ossetian and Abkhaz sides had certain viewpoints on the further participation in the discussions”. “It does not concern a withdrawal from this format, but future changes in the work of the Geneva Discussions”, explained Chochiev. “We do not speak about withdrawal form the discussions at this stage, nor does the Abkhaz side, as far as I know. We speak about some adjustments to the future work of the Geneva Discussions, in order to make these discussions more effective”.


Sat, 10/07/2010 - 16:57

Vadim Brovtsev tells about the results of his working visit to Moscow

The Chairman of the Government of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev reported on the results of his visit to Moscow to the RSO President Eduard Kokoity.
"During the visit, we managed to agree with the Russian Stock Company RAO EES on stabilization of the prices for electricity supply", said Brovtsev. We have signed an agreement on gradual increase of the price for electricity. In fact, according to this agreement, the price will be increasing until 2013 up to 2,2 RUR. Hence, the RAO EES expects us to improve the collection of consumption fees from the population."


Fri, 09/07/2010 - 13:35

Ambassadors of Nicaragua and Venezuela submitted their credentials to the RSO Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ambassadors Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Nicaragua and Venezuela in South Ossetia Luis Molina Quadra and Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez submitted copies of their credentials to the RSO Minister for Foreign Affairs Murat Djioev.
Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation Dmitri Medoev attended the meeting. The meeting was opened with the sides welcoming speeches. "I am pleased about your arrival in South Ossetia in the capacity of Ambassadors Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of our countries", said Murat Djioev. "We consider this visit as the proof of your freedom-loving peoples' highest consideration towards South Ossetia. The people of South Ossetia passed through a hard path to its independence. This path was laid through on the cost of many victims and the hardest period in the history of our people was the 2008 aggression.


Thu, 08/07/2010 - 15:23

Eduard Kokoity: We are not going to let international observers on our territory

The authorities of South Ossetia are intending to agree on the presence of international observers on the territory of the Republic, said the RSO President at his meeting with the delegation of the RF Federal Council. He noted that this position of the authorities was not new.
"We are categorically against of any kind of observers, who instead of monitoring the situation, carry out intelligence functions. This has been proved through the events of August 2008, when the OSCE monitors had left the territory of South Ossetia beforehand.

Thu, 08/07/2010 - 15:22

Small arms are being collected from the population of South Ossetia

The process of collection of illegally kept small arms from the population of the Republic of South Ossetia, reported the Interior Minister Valery Valiev.
"We are carrying out the measures on collection of illegally kept arms in accordance with elaborated program. Citizens of the Republic have been lately handing over submachine guns, rifles and explosives every week. There are honest residents, who kept the arms in safe places, but some were quite negligent", said Valiev.


Fri, 02/07/2010 - 15:45

Pliev: "Normalization" meant by the president of Georgia should start with adequate compensation to Ossetian victims

”Normalization” meant by the president of Georgia M.Saakashvili should not start with mass settlement of Georgians on the territories, from which all Ossetians had been forced out", stated the Deputy Foreign Minister of South Ossetian Alan Pliev. "It should start with adequate compensation of the victims, including for lost property and decoyed houses, as well as compensation to the relatives of Ossetians killed by Georgian armed forces".

Fri, 02/07/2010 - 11:43

South Ossetia is concerned with the fate of Zevinar Kazieva detained in Georgia

The Committee for state security (KGB) of South Ossetia reported that on 28 June, two residents of Kaspi district of Georgia, Levan Revazovich Daviaturi (1983) and Lukhum Georgievich Gamkhitashvili, 1971, were detained by duty border-guards in the village of Akhmadji, Leningor district, for illegal border-crossing. In accordance with Tskhinval district court decision, on 29 June both Georgian citizens were released and handed over to the Georgian side", reported the press-service of the RSO KGB.

Fri, 02/07/2010 - 11:35

The son of the South Ossetian citizen detained in Georgian addresses the Ombudsman

Zevinar Kazieva, the citizen of South Ossetia detained in Georgia, is charged with illegal acquisition and storing of drugs, reported the Plenipotentiary for Human Rights David Sanakoev. According to Sanakoev, Georgy Kaziev, the son of the detainee, addressed him. "He told me that his mother was detained on 28 June in Gori for illegal acquisition and storing of drugs. As to the question on where he got this information from, he said that his relatives in Georgia has informed him. He knew nothing about his mother's whereabouts", said Sanakoev.


Wed, 30/06/2010 - 20:21

Unified media environment discussed in Adygeya

South Ossetian journalists took part in the 6th International Media Forum "Interaction for common interests", held in Adygey. The South Ossetian delegation was presented by Chief Editor of the state newspaper "Yuzhnaya Ossetia" and "Khurzarin" – Zalina Tskhovrebova and Yury Gabaraev, deputy editor of youth newspaper "Respublika" Inal Tibilov. As the Chief Editor of the newspaper "Yuzhnaya Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova told IA RES, the form was held at a very high level.
"The main goal of this forum was the interaction among the journalists in South Russia. The authorities of Adygeya participate in the forum. The president of Adygeya Aslan Tkhakushinov opened the forum. The discussion focused on the topics vital for all journalists in the Southern Federal District", said Tskhovrebova.

Wed, 30/06/2010 - 16:20

Eduard Kokoity: The salary to the workers should be paid off starting from the next week

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity met with the workers whom some of the subcontractor organizations, engaged in the reconstruction works, did not pay salaries to. The main emphasis was placed on the problems of the constructors who entered into a contract with the state unitary enterprise "Directorate for implementation of priority national projects. The RSO Prosecutor General's Office has initiated a criminal suit against the Director of the above state unitary enterprise, Ismagil Karimov, and the bank accounts of the enterprise have been arrested. As a result, the enterprise owes the workers their salary for a period since early 2010.
