The message of the South-Ossetian part of JCC

Mon, 09/04/2007 - 10:28

As it is known, a tense, purposeful work on normalization of the relations between the conflicting parties and on rise of trust is being carried out by the south-ossetian side within the limits of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict. At the same time numerous statements of the representatives of the supreme political management of Georgia and the actions of the subordinated to it power structures of Georgia destabilize the situation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict.
Particular danger for peace in the zone of the conflict, for safety in all the Caucasian region present the steps of the Georgian government, directed at undermining of the format of JCC, at creating of difficulties for realization of the peace-making activity.
The South-Ossetian part of JCC with alarm and concern marks, that in infringement of the before signed agreements the Georgian police continues interfering roughly with the activity of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces.
The next outrageous case of such illegal activity took place on March, 29th, 2007. A column of the peace-making forces with a group of military observers from the three parties had been stopped at the police post in the settlement Tamarasheni, temporarily controllable by the power structures of Georgia. Similar cases took place on March, 6th and on March, 14th current year in the settlement Kekhvi that is also controllable by the armed forces of Georgia.
Such actions of the Georgian side, having the strongly pronounced provocative character, having the purpose of undermining of the authority of the peace-making forces, the disorder of the existing format of JCC, being the world-wide recognized unique mechanism on settlement of the conflict, and also in kindling of a new bloody conflict.
In connection with that, the south-ossetian part of JCC calls the parties in the negotiating process, the countries of OSCE and the European Union to call the supreme management of Georgia for the observance of the before signed international agreements on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict.

On April, 3rd, 2007

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