«The Kurta-Kekhvi administration» has become tangled in lies

Thu, 12/04/2007 - 10:53

Today the deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic Alan Pliev has accepted the head of the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Tskhinval Sofia Pagsly at her request. At the meeting was discussed the question on the spread information of the representative of the «Kurta-Kekhvi administration» Uruzmag Karkusov about his ostensibly taken place contacts with ICRC during his trip to Italy. Sofia Pagsly has declared that ICRC has in general no representation in Italy, and hence any contacts both in Italy and in any other places are out of the question. Moreover, this organization under the mandate of ICRC has no right to deal with the problems of drug addiction and rehabilitation of the addicts, and has never dealed with it. In order to clear the situation the office of ICRC in Tskhinval has directed an inquiry to the head office in Geneva.
The Red Cross has also spread such a refutation in the official structures of Georgia.

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