Georgia failed to hinder the election in Leningor district

Sun, 31/05/2009 - 18:54

Election in Leningor district are actively ongoing – this is how the Chair of Leningor district election commission Merab Khoziev evaluated the voting process there. “The situation in the district is stable. High attendance has been observed in the villages of Leningor and Tsinagar. This is happening despite the Georgian authorities’ efforts to hinder the election”, stated Merab Khoziev. He explained that at the moment 4 mini-vans with South Ossetian citizens are at the borderline; the Georgian authorities did not let them to cross the border to the territory of South Ossetia.
“Our citizens returning from Georgia to their homes could not cross the border since early morning. So far, the Georgian authorities gave no explanation on their closing the border. The action of the Georgian side might be considered as an attempt to hinder the election, however this attempt failed. The election in Leningor district is actively ongoing”, stated the Chair of Leningor election commission Merab Khoziev.

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