The next meeting within the framework of MPRI will take place in Dvani on May 5

Fri, 08/04/2011 - 18:24

The next meeting within the framework of Mechanisms on prevention and reaction on incidents has taken place at the Georgian settlement Dvani on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia. What the leader of the South-Ossetian delegation, the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on questions of the postconflict settlement Merab Chigoev has reported IA "Res", there were ten questions on the agenda of the meeting.

After the traditional review of the events, happened after the previous meeting, the South-Ossetian delegation has paid attention to the activities of the Mission of the observers of EU at the Georgian territories, bordered with South Ossetia "According to the information of our frontier guards the observers of EU, which have to watch the situation at the territory of Georgia, adjoining to the RSO, for some reason shows the increased interest in what is occurring at the adjacent territory that is to say, at the frontier territory of the RSO", - has noted Chigoev. As he says, the South-Ossetian side has also expressed its anxious about violating of the air space of the RSO. "This occurs not so often, as earlier, but however, there have been fixed five cases during the month and all of them have taken place at the territory of Leningorskiy region", - has reported the leader of the South-Ossetian delegation. However, he has noted that at present all the sides consider the frontier situation rather stable and without any serious violations. Also at the meeting, on the initiative of the Georgian side, has been discussing the issue of the continuation of mutual passing of the detained and convicted persons. "We have supported this offer, but we have noted that this question will be resolving only after making a legal decision towards the prisoners, who are not sentenced yet ", - has noted Chigoev. The South-Ossetian delegation has traditionally raised the question about the investigation of the fate of the missing citizens of South Ossetia. "We have brought the issue so that clearing up the fate of the missing citizens will go, considering the recommendations, which have been given by the independent experts, invited last year by the Supreme commissar of the European Council Thomas Hammerberg. Unfortunately, the georgian side noted that they were not ready to give the answer, because the General public prosecutor's office of Georgia, the representative of which had never presented at the meetings had been dealing with these issues, ", - has said Chigoev. According to his words the Georgian side promised to clear up the situation and render us more detailed information at the following meeting. "We, in turn, added that we had been conducting the relevant measures on clearing up the fate of the missing citizens, the list of which had been given us as both during the meeting within the framework of MPRI, as well as during the meeting under the aegis of the Red Cross - has noted Chigoev. The next meeting within the framework of MPRI is planned to conduct on 5 May in the settlement Dvani. Remind that transferring of the meetings from Ergneti to Dvani took place on the initiative South Ossetia for the reason of the decision of the Georgian authorities to announce that Ergneti is the zone of NATO.

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