The South-Ossetian side has called the co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions to work in more principled way

Wed, 08/06/2011 - 17:25

Georgia is not ready to sign the document on non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It has been reported the IA «Res» by the head of the South-Ossetian delegation at the Geneva debates, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on questions of the post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev over the phone from Geneva, following the results of the 16 round of the Geneva discussions. As he said, the meeting was very hard as the Georgian party behaved itself extremely incorrectly. «The Georgian side feels pressure on the part of the international organizations, - the Plenipotentiary has noted. - the international community, unlike the post conflict period (the Georgian aggression in August, 2008 - a comment of the editor) when it had not trustworthy information, has already received it, and now it makes conclusions about Georgia which has been recognized as the country-aggressor in the report of Taliavini».

Chochiev has informed that the Georgian delegation expressed its unwillingness to discuss a question of working out the document on non-use of force and with support of some participants of the discussions, as well as earlier, artificially tried to avoid this subject. «Georgia and also those countries which have armed and continue to arm it don’t intend to work out the legal .document on non-use of force. A head of the Georgian delegation Giga Bokerija has declared that in this case Georgia will leave the Geneva discussions, - Chochiev has noted. At the same time the Plenipotentiary has reminded that in the course of three years at the Geneva discussions the Abkhazian and the South-Ossetian delegations have been persisting on working out the legally obliging document on non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. «In my opinion, it should become a definitive point for the international community to condemn the regime of Saakashvili», - Chochiev has declared. He has also noticed that the attempt of the Georgian side to change the points of the discussion on the Georgian-Russian relations has been failed. «The participants of the meeting have suppressed this game "and have reminded that the Geneva discussions are conducted for providing safety in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but not for finding out the Russian-Georgian relations, - he has underlined. For clarifying the relations they should find another platform. And the unfounded, unconfirmed charges of Russia, as if the Russian special services carries out the subversive acts on the territory of Georgia have been rejected». According to the Plenipotentiary, the Georgian side has selected this sort of tactics for masking the acts of terrorism which Georgia is intending to carry out on the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. «The same as they have carried out it till August, 2008», - he has specified. Concerning the discussion of humanitarian questions, the Plenipotentiary has regretfully noticed that for today the Georgian side has blocked the resolving of these important problems. In particular, such issues have been raised as supply of gas in Leningorskiy region of South Ossetia, returning of refugees from the village Tserovani where, according to Chochiev, has been constructed «a museum of refugees» for displaying to the international organizations. «Instead of returning in their houses they prefer to live in this museum for refugees», - he has underlined. During the discussions the South-Ossetian delegation has made the protest concerning the submission of the so-called resolution «about the position of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia and South Ossetia» to the General Assembly of the United Nations. «Earlier we have declared that if the Georgian side prefers to discuss the questions on the platform of the General Assembly of the United Nations there is no sense to discuss this question in a format of the Geneva discussions. We have been promised before that the things will be in a different way », - Chochiev has told. However, recently, according to the plenipotentiary, Georgia has submitted the next, third project on consideration of the General Assembly of the United Nations. «In this connection the joint statement with Abkhazia has been made on condition that if this question is considered by the General Assembly we`ll definitively refuse to discuss the humanitarian questions at the second group within the frames of the Geneva discussions as there is no sense to discuss these problems», - he has noted. In Geneva the South-Ossetian side has made the rigid statement concerning the missing citizens of South Ossetia. In turn, Chochiev, has noted that the Georgian side under the aegis of ICRC has made a blasphemous statement «as if eight corpses which have been transferred by the South-Ossetian side to the Georgian one after the August, 2008, do not belong to them, forgetting the fact that before transferring the corpses were identified by the Georgian corresponding services». He has also reminded that a group of the independent experts led by Thomas Hammerberg have also made the analysis on DNA of their relatives. «We consider that it is one more provocation», - Chochiev has declared. Special attention, according to the Plenipotentiary, has been given to the complicated situation on the border after the 15 round of the Geneva discussions. He has added that the unilateral meetings with the representatives of the UNHCR, ICRC have also taken place. In conclusion Chochiev has underlined that the South-Ossetian side called the co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions to work more actively and in more principled and coordinated way.

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