The reaction of Georgia and the West to the signing of the Agreement between South Ossetia and Russia was predictable

Fri, 20/03/2015 - 13:17

After the signing of the Treaty of alliance and integration, the inter-state relations of South Ossetia and Russia have reached a new level, said in an interview with news agency "Res" South Ossetian political scientist and former member of the Parliament of South Ossetia Gennady Kokoev.

"We had to use earlier all the advantages of integration with Russia in socio-economic, cultural, and other fields. We had such opportunities, but unfortunately, we did not use them fully,"- said the official.
According to Kokoev, now the Treaty is to be filled with real content.

"After signing the document, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the South Ossetian farmers would have access to the Russian market. I believe that this is a direct signal that we need to develop our own food-producing base, to provide the Republic with local goods and, at the same time, to enter the Russian market, "- said the expert.

He called the reaction of Georgia and its Western partners to the signing of the Treaty predictable, noting that "they could not think of anything better than to come up with strong statements against Moscow and Tskhinval."

According to the South Ossetian scientist and public figure Robert Gagloyty, the signing of the Treaty of alliance and integration is important for South Ossetia, because it opens the way for the solution of many pressing problems of the Republic.

"Given today's realities - the events in Ukraine, the attitude of the West and the EU to South Ossetia, the Treaty is necessary for further sustainable development of the Republic", - said Gagloyty.

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