Some forces are trying to politicize the issue: Gagloev on the situation with the installation of a veterinary fence along the state border

Sat, 25/03/2023 - 21:24

President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev commented on the installation of a veterinary fence along the state border near the village of Mugut, Znaur district.

"Some forces in the Republic are trying to politicize any issues. The fact is that there is a letter from residents of the villages of Mugut and Chorbaul to the border department of the FSB of Russia in South Ossetia, where they ask to set up a protective, so-called" veterinary fence "to let their cattle through did not cross the state border. Separate information resources, if you can call them that, wrote that the authorities of South Ossetia gave away these parts of the territories,” Gagloev said.

He has noted that upon his arrival from Moscow, he gathered the heads of law enforcement agencies and held a meeting.

“The next day, together with deputies from all factions and the leadership of the Russian border department, we visited the border area. They say that they installed a fence, went deep into the territory of South Ossetia, so that the population would have the opportunity to approach the fence if their livestock is there,” the president said.

Gagloev has added that after that, a conversation also took place at the session of Parliament with the participation of residents of these villages.

“The conversation was honest and open. I told them that if they believe that the installation of a veterinary fence means the surrender of the territory of the Republic, then it will be removed, I will resolve this issue. The entire deputies attended the session, which was attended by residents of these villages. They thanked me, they said that they had other information. It turns out that someone rocked the situation even in such a difficult period. We understand what a difficult situation is now, and we simply have no right to raise the issue of borders and help the “fifth column” that exists in Georgia today to implement plans to open a “second front,” Alan Gagloev said.

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