South Ossetia has once again called on Georgia to begin discussing the issue of the state border line


Marking the state border line between South Ossetia and Georgia is a direct path to stability and security, the head of the South Ossetian delegation in this format, Egor Kochiev, noted to journalists after the meeting in Ergnet within the framework of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms.

According to him, at the meeting in the IPRM format, the South Ossetian party once again called on Georgia to sit down at the negotiating table on the issue of discussing the passage of the state border line.

“If someone is not satisfied with the political terms “delimitation” and subsequent “demarcation,” we are ready for now to simply discuss the border line, mark it on maps, where whose territory is located,” Kochiev said. – But the Georgian party has been repeatedly blocking this issue, saying that we are politicizing it. In fact, marking the state border line between South Ossetia and Georgia is a direct path to stability and security.”

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