A nation which does not know and does not honor its history has no future - Alan Gagloev

Sat, 07/09/2024 - 13:28

South Ossetian President Alan Gagloev took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the village of Kotanto in Dzau district, the press service of the head of state reports.

The memorial event was also attended by the head of the Dzau district administration Vanda Tibilova, heads of the law enforcement agencies and representatives of the public of the Republic.

In his speech, the President thanked the representatives of the Byazrov family for the initiative to preserve the memory of the heroes, which should serve as an example for young people.

“A nation which does not know and does not honor its history has no future. Today, the residents of the village of Kotanto showed the younger generation by their example how important it is to respect the memory of their ancestors and not forget what they did for us. Thanks to this, we will be able to move on,” Alan Gagloev said.

The head of the Dzau district Administration, Vanda Tibilova, thanked everyone involved in the installation of the memorial monument.

“88 people from the village of Kotanto went to defend the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. 49 of them never returned home. And by installing this monument, their descendants pay tribute to their feat,” she has noted.

At the end of the event, its participants laid wreaths and flowers at the monument.

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