Fri, 18/02/2011 - 19:07

Issues Related to Civil Society Discussed in South Ossetia

A round-table focusing on civil society related issues was held in Tskhinval. The round-table was organized by Council of Young Specialists to the city branch of "Yedinstvo" political party. The South Ossetian president's advisor Kosta Dzugaev, member of "Yedinstvo" Eleonora Bedoeva, as well as representatives of the Council of Young Specialists, youth and journalists participated in the round-table discussion.
Kosta Dzugaev noted that the problem of civil society was quite acute in South Ossetia. "Civil society is a group of socially active people. With the current situation in our society, the attitude of socially active people to the problems of our public and political life is particularly important". Dzugaev gave a broad explanation of the current situation with the civil society.

Fri, 18/02/2011 - 19:00

Кokoyty: The Agreement between RSO and RF says of the development of the intergovernmental relations

Signing the agreement in the field of geological studying and exploring the depths of earth says of dynamic development of the bi-lateral intergovernmental relations between South Ossetia and Russia. It was declared by the president of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoyty, at the briefing, which had taken place in Tskhinval after the ceremony of signing the intergovernmental agreement in the field of geological studying and exploring. the depths of earth. "This event will also promote the development of preservation of environmental activities and exploring the depths of earth in South Ossetia", - has emphasized Kokoyty.

Fri, 18/02/2011 - 14:48

The meeting within the framework of MPRI will take place on the Ossetian-Georgian boundary

South Ossetia and Georgia are intending to continue the discussing of the issue of transmitting the convicted on February 17 in the boundary georgian village Ergneti. The Head of the South-Ossetian delegation Merab Chigoev informed IA "RES" of this fact. Three-lateral meeting within the framework of joint mechanisms on prevention and reaction on the incidents (MPRI) will be conducted

Fri, 18/02/2011 - 14:46

The exhibition "Kosovo - South Ossetia: the glance inside out" will be opened in Nizhny Novgorod

Fotoexhibition "Kosovo - South Osetiya: the glance inside out" will be opened tomorrow, February 17, in Russian museum in Nizhny Novgorod. The author Nataliya Batraeva reported IA "RES", that 100 photographies in genre of reporting will be exposed at the exhibition.As she says, the georgian-ossetian war in August 2008 had very oppressive impression on her. "The whole meaning of the five-day war we are not able to understand, it is enough to say that the operation on abolishion was identified on-georgian "Tsminda veli" that is translated, as "Clean field".

Thu, 17/02/2011 - 13:26

Geneva Discussions Co-Chairmen Meet with South Ossetian Officials

A meeting of the Co-Chairmen of the Geneva discussions on security in South Caucasus with the members of the South Ossetia delegation to the discussions took place in Tskhinval. For the South Ossetian side the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev, Deputy Special Representative Merab Chigoev, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Murat Djioev and the Special Representative for Human Rights David Sanakoev participated in the meeting. The delegation included the EU Envoy Pierre Moreal, OSCE Representative for protracted conflicts Giedrius Chekuolis and the UN Co-Chairman Antti Turunen. In his opening speech, Chochiev conveyed apologies from the South Ossetian president Eduard Kokoity, a meeting with whom was in the initial program of the visit of the Co-Chairmen to South Osseita. The meeting was cancelled due to technical reasons.

Thu, 17/02/2011 - 13:24

IPRM Meeting To Take Place at the South Ossetian-Georgian Border

South Ossetia and Georgia intend to continue the discussion of hand-over of detainees on 17 February in the Georgian village of Ergneti in the areas adjacent to the border with South Ossetia. This was reported by the head of the South Ossetian delegation Merab Chigoev. The trilateral meeting to take place within the frameworks of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IRPM).

Thu, 17/02/2011 - 13:22

Eduard Kokoity and Vladimir Putin Discuss Rehabilitation of South Ossetia

The implementation of the complex plan of South Ossetia's rehabilitation was discussed in Moscow during the meeting of the President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. As reported the press-service of the president and governemtn of South Ossetia, this was a working meeting.

Tue, 15/02/2011 - 14:37

Eduard Kokoity Holds a Session with Ministers and Heads of Governmental Agencies

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a working session with Ministers and heads of governmental agencies of the Republic. The South Ossetian Prime Minister Vadim Brovtsev, head of presidential administration Arsen Gagloev, heads of districts' and town administration of South Ossetia participated in the session.
At the beginning of the session, the president heard the reports from the chief representatives of law enforcement and defense structures on the operational situation in the Republic and the scheduled measures conducted by these agencies.
According to the Deputy Interior Minister Nikolay Kabisov, in course of the previous week, four crimes were committed, out of which 3 were detected. The measures aimed at collection of unregistered arms from the population continued.
The Minister for Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) Anatoly Bibilov reported on the inter-governmental agreement on cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia in prevention of and response to emergencies signed in Moscow 11 February.
"The signing took place on a high level. There were assurances on both sides that there would be future cooperation and interaction in all spheres within the frames of this agreements", said Bibilov.

Mon, 14/02/2011 - 18:48

Prime Minister Vadim Brovtsev Visits Problematic Sites in Leningor District

The Prime Minister of South Ossetia paid a visit to Leningor district of South Ossetia. In this visit, the Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of Construction Chermen Khugaev, Deputy Head of the State Committee for Rehabilitation Sarmat Kotaev, Head of Leningor District Alan Djussoev., Chief Engineer of State Unitary Enterprise "Dorexpostroy", representative of Spetstroy of Russia Col. Anatoly Kozinski and other officials.

Mon, 14/02/2011 - 18:47

Issues Related to the Implementation of Investment Program Discussed in South Ossetia

A meeting on issues related to the implementation of the Investment Program to promote socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia was held in Tskhinval. As reported by the Press-Service of the President and the Government of South Ossetia, the Deputy Director of the Department for special programs and projects of territorial development to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, executive secretary of the Russian part of the Inter-Governmental commission Maxim Kryukov, head of the Presidential Administration of South Ossetia Arsen Gagloev, Deputy Prime Minister Domenty Kulumbegov, Minister of Construction and Architecture of South Ossetia Chermen Khugaev and Minister for Economic and Social Development Konstantin Koliev participated in the discussion.
