Archive - 22/2/2012

Wed, 22/02/2012 - 12:00

An agreement on agricultural work safety has been reached at the meeting in Ergneti

The 20th meeting of the participants of Mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents (MPRI) has been held today in the Georgian village of Ergneti, bordering with South Ossetia.
South Ossetian side was represented by Deputy Presidential Envoy on post-conflict settlement in South Ossetia Merab Chigoev. The talks were also attended by representatives of Russia, Georgia, the EU and the OSCE. The meeting was held behind closed doors.

Four more presidential aspirants have passed an examination in the state languages level of proficiency

Four presidential aspirants of South Ossetia have passed today the exam in revealing the state languages level of proficiency. In total, eight people have taken the examination. As reported to IA "Res" by the Central Election Committee, the following applicants have passed a test: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to Russia, Dmitry Medoev, the former presidential representative in the RSO Parliament Tarzan Kokoity, the employee of the State Security Service Sergei Pliev and chief bailiff of the Ministry of Justice Sergei Bitiev. Ex-Chairman of the Committee of Transportation Maurice Sanakoev, entrepreneur Oleg Kozaev, Chairman of the Judo Federation Inal Dzukaev and former head of Dzausky district Pavel Kumaritov have not coped with the proposed linguistic committee task.