Archive - 21/7/2023

Пресс-служба ЮОГУ
Fri, 21/07/2023 - 20:14

The Club "Apollo" and the former hostages of the Beslan School will make a hike in memory of the victims of the tragedy

On Friday, the student club "Apollo" at the South Ossetian State University went hiking along the route Erman – the Kel plateau of the Dzau district. The chairman of the club, Olesya Kadzhayeva, told IA“Res about this.

“The main purpose of the hike is to visit the Mady Tsassyg (Mother's Tear) Lake, located on the Kel Plateau and named in memory of the children perished in the Beslan terrorist attack,” Kadzhayeva said.

According to her in addition to students and veterans of the club, former hostages of the Beslan School are taking part in the campaign.