

The CEC of South Ossetia: All the polling stations in the districts of South Ossetia are ready for elections

All the polling stations in the regions of South Ossetia are ready for re-election of the President of South Ossetia. As IA "Res" has been informed by the head of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva, "the CEC representatives went to the districts of Leningor and Tskhinval of the Republic and examined all the polls. In the near future we will also check the districts of Dzau and Znaur where, according to the chairmen of the territorial election committees, all the polling stations are also ready for the elections. Check-lists are also prepared, and now the invitations are being sent out to the voters".

Mon, 19/03/2012 - 14:22

The victims of the tragedy in Eredvi have been commemorated in South Ossetia

Action in memory of the victims of tragedy in Eredvi that claimed 12 lives on March 18, 1991 has been held today in South Ossetia. The action was organized by the Department for Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of South Ossetia.
Youth representatives, along with the victims' families attended the burial place of the remains of 12 Ossetian men, aged 18 to 70 years old, who, after brutal tortures had been buried alive in a pre-dug pit in the Georgian populated settlement Eredvi, Tskhinvalskiy District of South Ossetia.


Sat, 17/03/2012 - 23:25

Gennady Kokoev: Small aircraft is in demand in a small state

Quiz: March 14, the Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia and the Russian airline "Your air centre" signed a cooperation agreement. It provides for creation an enterprise for small aircraft construction in the territory of South Ossetia. How do you assess the prospects of this agreement and its implementation?

Alexey Khabalov, Minister for Economic Development of South Ossetia:
This is a carefully thought out and quite a real project. The profitability of this project is that even in the first year it will cover 70% of its value and the next year the project will bring profit.


40,000 ballots will be issued by the presidential election in South Ossetia

The Central Election Committee (CEC) of South Ossetia has decided to issue 40 000 ballots by the presidential election on March 25. This has been reported to IA "Res" by the Chairman of the CEC of South Ossetia Bella Plieva.
"At the today`s meeting we have unanimously made the decision to issue 40 000 ballots," - said Plieva.
According to her, the CEC members proceed from the fact that about 38,800 voters were in the lists of the polls during the presidential election in November 2011. "In accordance with the current regulations the number of spare ballots must be three percent of the electorate, existing in the polls - explained the CEC Chairman. - Thus, the total number of ballots that will be issued by March 25, 2012 should reach just over 39,600 units. So we decided to round up this amount and issue 40,000 ballots." The CEC Chairman has noted that, in accordance with the law, the ballots must be ready not later than 10 days before the voting day.

Tue, 13/03/2012 - 11:58

Mikhail Chernov: The international police force in South Ossetia and Abkhazia – is complete absurdity

Deployment of international police forces in South Ossetia and Abkhazia is impossible because of absurdity of the question itself which is infringement of independence and sovereignty of the republics. This opinion was stated in an interview with IA "Res" by a representative of the Association of cross-border cooperation in Central Asia and Caucasus, Mikhail Chernov, commenting on the yesterday's statement by the Georgian Foreign Ministry on the need to deploy an international police force in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
However, the expert expressed concern about the situation related to penetration of drugs from Georgia to Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the North Caucasus.

Tue, 13/03/2012 - 10:56

Allegations of the drug traffic through Abkhazia and South Ossetia do not hold water – an expert

Statements by the United States and Georgia that, maybe, the drug traffic passes through Abkhazia and South Ossetia, do not hold water. Such an opinion in an interview with IA "Res" has been stated by a representative of the Association of the cross-border cooperation in Central Asia and Caucasus, Mikhail Chernov, commenting on the recent statements by the American and Georgian authorities about the possible drug trafficking through the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.


Mon, 12/03/2012 - 11:04

In South Ossetia the mine in Kvajsa is being planned to be reconstructed

Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia plans to start reconstruction of the mine in the town of Kvajsa in Dzausky district of South Ossetia. As reported to IA "Res" by the Economic Development Minister of the Republic Alexei Khabalov, at the initial stage of the reconstruction it is planned to assess the resources of the mine with the assistance of the Russian experts.


Fri, 09/03/2012 - 15:22

South Ossetian MPs will be monitoring the parliamentary elections in Abkhazia

South Ossetian MPs as observers will participate in the Parliamentary elections of the Republic of Abkhazia. This has been reported to IA "Res" by the Parliament of South Ossetia.
They noted that, on the invitation of the Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia, the delegation of parliamentarians had already left for monitoring the elections, scheduled for March 10.


The presidential candidates of South Ossetia live on the state television are going to sign an agreement on fair elections

Today the candidates for president of South Ossetia, live on the state television are going to sign a joint statement on holding free and fair presidential elections. The draft statement has been proposed by the presidential candidate David Sanakoev during the today's round table in Tskhinval, "Election of the President of South Ossetia, March 25 – is a new stage of development of statehood of the Republic." During the discussion the candidate Dmitry Medoev has noted that in February a similar document was signed by contenders for the presidency, whose action groups at that time were registered by the Central Election Committee.
