

Diana Kozaeva: to elect the dignified president is possible in the issue of fair, democratic elections

Opinion. Diana Kozaeva, a journalist:

Every day the activity of citizens involved in the pre-election process in South Ossetia increases. 13 candidates for the Presidency have already been registered. No one can foresee their final quantity. These elections – is an important political examination for the people of South Ossetia, considering that we the first time conduct them in our recognized state.

13 initiative groups have submitted documents to the Central Electoral Committee of South Ossetia

13 initiative groups on presidential nomination of the Republic have submitted their documents to the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" by the member of the Central Election Committee of the RSO Marina Tskhovrebova. According to her words, at present seven initiative groups on presidential nomination of the Republic have been registered at the Central Election Committee and now they have the right to gather 1000 signatures of citizens of the Republic. Packages of documents on registration of six more initiative groups are in a consideration stage in the Central Election Committee of the RSO.


Wed, 14/09/2011 - 11:43

South Ossetia recommends the Georgian officials to study a concept "occupation"

The Georgian officials should thoroughly study a concept "occupation". It has been declared to the news agency "Res" by the Plenipotentiary of the RSO President on post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev, making comments on the statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia Grigol Vashadze that the next year the basic priority of work of the Georgian state will be the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the "occupied territory" and beginning of the peace operation.

Central Election Committee of the RSO has accepted the documents of the initiative group of Alla Dzhioeva and Valery Tedeev

Today the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has accepted packages of documents on registration of the initiative group, nominating Alla Dzhioeva (ex-Minister for Education of the RSO) and Valery Tedeev (ex-Deputy Minister for Defence of South Ossetia) for presidential election of South Ossetia. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" by the member of the Central Election Committee of the RSO Marina Tskhovrebova. According to her words, at present seven initiative groups on presidential nomination of the Republic have been registered; they have the right to gather 1000 signatures of citizens of the Republic.


Tue, 13/09/2011 - 17:05

Sportsmen from the RSO will take part in the Games of People of the Southern Federal District

The South-Ossetian sportsmen have been invited to take part in the Ninth Sports and Games of People of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasian Federal District with participation of teams of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. As the Deputy Chief of Department on Physical Training and Sports of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the RSO Vladimir Tedeev informed the news agency "Res", the «games will start in Anapa on October, 4 and will last till October, 10.

Tue, 13/09/2011 - 11:51

The actions devoted to Independence Day of the Republic will pass in Tskhinval

The actions timed to Independence Day of the Republic of South Ossetia will pass in South Ossetia on September, 20. As the State Adviser of the President of the RSO Zhanna Zasseeva has informed the news agency "Res", the traditional military parade devoted to celebrating of the 21 anniversary of declaration of the Republic of South Ossetia will take place in Tskhinval.


Mon, 12/09/2011 - 10:26

The South-Ossetian delegation will take part in the actions devoted to the 370 anniversary of the Azov seized sitting of the Don Cossacks

The delegation of South Ossetia will take part in the celebratory actions devoted to the 370 anniversary of the Azov seized sitting of the Don Cossacks which will pass on September, 10-11 2011 in Azov. As reported by the press-service of the Republican Political Party "Unity" to the news agencies "Res", the First Deputy Chairman of the RSO Parliament, the Chairman of the RPP «Unity» Zurab Kokoev, the Deputy Head of the RSO Presidential Administration Alan Tekhov, the Deputy Head of the Tskhinval District Administration, the Chairman of the Tskhinval regional branch of the RPP "Unity" Valery Bibilov have been invited to take part in the celebratory actions in Azov.

Mon, 12/09/2011 - 10:25

South-Ossetian judoists will take part in the All-Russian tournament

The sportsmen of the judo school in Znaurskiy district of South Ossetia Soslan Valiev, Aslan Gergaulov and David Kozaev have left for Anapa for participation in the fourth All-Russian juvenile games on martial arts. As reported by the trainer of the judoists Inal Gabaraev to the news agency "Res", the competition will be passing from September, 12 till September, 22, 2011. Our judoists will compete in the sambo contest.
