

Thu, 29/09/2011 - 10:21

The Central Election Committee has accepted documents from the initiative group of Eduard Gabaraev

Today the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has accepted a package of documents for registration the initiative group, nominating Gabaraev Eduard Inalovich (commander of artillery of the Ministry of Defence of the RSO) for presidential election in South Ossetia. As the Central Election Committee of the RSO has informed the IA RES, the documents are at the examination stage and in five days the answer will be given.

Thu, 29/09/2011 - 10:20

Phillip Lefor: there is a space for progress at the Geneva discussions

Participants of the Geneva discussions on safety in Transcaucasia should operate more actively for working out the legal document of non-use of force against South Ossetia by Georgia. It has been declared by the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on the post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev at the joint briefing of the co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions in Tskhinval.


Wed, 28/09/2011 - 17:30

The South Ossetian State Dramatic Theatre will take part in the festival«The scene without borders»

The South Ossetian State Dramatic Theatrenamed after K. Khetagurov will take part in the fifth festival of the North Caucasus theatres «the Scene without borders», which will be conducted in Vladikavkaz from October, 4 till October, 9. As the art director of the theatreSoslan Bibilov has informed the news agency "Res", its troupe will perform a play « The Eleventh Commandment» by Lope de Vega. «The Eleventh Commandment” by Lope де Vega, performed by troupe of the state drama theatre namedafter K.Khetagurov. will become the finishing display of the festival.

Wed, 28/09/2011 - 17:29

The delegation of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation is expected to visit South Ossetia

On September, 29 the delegation of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation is expected to visit South Ossetia within the frames of the inter-parliamentary cooperation between Russia and South Ossetia.As reported to IA RES by the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the RSO Yury Dzitstsoity, the delegation will be headed by the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Council of Federation on defence and safety Evgeniy Serebrennikov.

Wed, 28/09/2011 - 13:07

The Russian doctors will render medical aid to population of the RSO

The skilled Russian doctors who within a month are intending to render free medical aid to the population have arrived in South Ossetia. It has been informed the IA RES by the press-service of the Ministry for Health and Social Development of the RSO.«Highly skilled experts - professors and doctors for medicine are among the physicians. They are the faculty doctors of the leading medical high schools of the Russian Federation, having a wide experience of practical work, - the employee of the press-service has told. - since September, 28, 2011, on the basis of the Republican somatic hospital they will start rendering free medical services to population of the RSO».

Wed, 28/09/2011 - 11:22

The meeting of the Geneva discussions co-chairmen has been held in Tskhinval

The EU, OSCE and the United Nations co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions on safety in Transcaucasia have arrived in Tskhinval with a working visit. The delegation has met with the Plenipotentiary of the President on post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev and members of the RSO delegation at the Geneva discussions. The delegation has included thenew EU co-chairman Phillip Lefor. Boris Chochiev has congratulated Lefor on his appointment, having noted that South Ossetia will co-operate with him as with the co-chairman of the Geneva discussions, but not as with the special EU representative in the Southern Caucasus.Boris Chochiev has presented a summary of the situation in South Ossetia.

Wed, 28/09/2011 - 10:43

ICRC has finished the project on repairing the irrigating system in South Ossetia

Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has finished the project on realization of cleaning and partial repair of the irrigation canal in the villages Tsorbis and Kornis in (Znaurskiy district, RSO). It has been informed the IA RES by the employee of the Mission on public relations Marina Tedety. «As a result of landslip, the part of the irrigation canal which supplied the farmlands of peasants with water, has been damaged and the system did not function throughout the long period of time. In this connection, inhabitants of the villages Tsorbis and Kornis had serious problems with irrigation of crops, - Tedety has told. -The representative of the mentioned villages has addressed to us with the request of rendering assistance in resolving this problem.

Wed, 28/09/2011 - 10:42

Eduard Kokoity has headed the new public association «National Unity»

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has accepted the offer to head the public organization «National Unity». The head of the state has declared about his consent at the session of the organization being held on September, 25 in Tskhinval. It should be reminded that earlier the non-governmental foundation "Patriot" has announced its integration with the public organization «National Unity» and has addressed to Eduard Kokoity with the request to head this new public association. «I have accepted the offer to head the public organization" National Unity", as I understand that we should work and struggle together to defend the rights of our military men, law enforcement officers and members of their families», - the President has declared. He has reminded about the defenders of South Ossetia in 1989-1992 left to the mercy of fate,facing their problems. «It`s not the right way.


Two more initiative groups have submitted documents to the Central Election Committee of the RSO

On September, 24 the Central Election Committee of the RSO has accepted the documents set from the initiative groups, nominating Batradz Dzutstsaty (the chairman of the social movement «Ossetia for democracy») and Lev Gagiev (a surgeon of the Republican somatic hospital) for presidential election in South Ossetia. As the Central Election Committee has informed the IA RES, at present the subscription lists have been submitted by the initiative groups of Vadim Tskhovrebov, Dmitry Tasoev and Dzhambolat Tedeev. For today (September, 26) 24 initiative groups and two political parties, nominating the candidates for presidential election in the RSO on November, 13 have addressed to the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. All the initiative groups, except for Alan Pliev, Vasily Bestaev, Batradz Dzutstsaty and Lev Gagiev have already received certificates on registration at the Central Election Committee.

Tue, 27/09/2011 - 14:26

Michail Kochiev: the Slovak youth wants to be on friendly terms with South Ossetia

A session of the Youth wing of the People `s Party of the RSO has been held in Tskhinval, where the results of the trip of the Party delegation led by the Chairman of the Youth wing Michail Kochiev tothe Republic of Slovakia have been discussed.Kochievhas informed the gathered about theresults of the trip, in particular, on the work for establishing friendly relations with the Slovak youth.«Our visit to Slovakia began on September, 18 and was based on the invitation of the progressive Slovak youth organization - Association of the Slovak youth. It should be noted that this organizationhas been pursuing the fair policy both in the internal, and in the international scene», - Michail Kochiev has informed.
