

Sat, 27/06/2009 - 13:25

On the meeting of the State Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia G. Karasin with the Foreign Minister of South Ossetia M.Djioev and Special Representative of South Ossetia's President for Post-Conflict Settlement B. Chochiev

On 24 June, a meeting of the State Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation G.Karasin with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of South Ossetia M.Djioev and Special Representative of South Ossetia's President for Post-Conflict Settlement B.Chochiev.
During the thorough discussion, the newly emerged situation in the South Caucasus with the withdrawal of the OSCE monitoring mission in are of the Georgian-Ossetian borderline was touched upon. Both parties expressed their common disappointment about the approach of the Western states towards the presence of the international observers in this region and the reluctance of these states to take into account the political and legal circumstances in this region.

Sat, 27/06/2009 - 13:24

Tskhinval without water

As a result of a failure at the Edis-Tskhinval water pipeline, the capital city of Tskhinval is again without water. As reported by the Head of Tskhinval Water Pipeline Ruslan Bukulov, the failure happened on 24 June in the village of Andis, Tskhinval District.


Thu, 25/06/2009 - 13:11

The first session of the Parliament Presidium

The first session of the Parliament Presidium was held chaired by the Parliament Speaker Stanislav Kochiev. At the beginning of the session, Stanislav Kochiev congratulated the Parliament with its first session and expressed his believe in the Parliament’s future fruitful work. During the session, the functions of the Parliament committees were approved and distributed among the Parliament members.

Thu, 25/06/2009 - 13:09

The South Ossetian Parliament session took place in Tskhinval to elect deputy speakers and approve the staff structure of the Parliament

The South Ossetian Parliament session took place in Tskhinval to elect deputy speakers and approve the staff structure of the Parliament. The Parliament will have three Deputy Speakers (instead of two with the previous Parliament). These are Zurab Kokoev, Yuri Dzitsoity and Mira Tskhovrebova – all are members to the Political Party “Edinstvo”.
The number of the Parliament committees has also increased – instead of six in the previous Parliament there are nine:
Amiran Dyakonov (Political Party Edinstvo) was elected as the Chair to the Committee on Legislation, Rule of Law and Local Governance
Yuri Dzitsoiti (Political Party Edinstvo) was elected as the Chair to the Committee for foreign policy and inter-parliamentary relations
Edrik Dudaity (People’s Party) was elected as the Chair to the Committee on Defense and Security
Mair Sanakoev (People’s Party) was elected as the Chair to the Committee on Budget and Taxation


Tue, 23/06/2009 - 13:04

South Ossetia still refuses to participate in Ergneti meetings

Today, on 23 June, upon the initiative of the EUMM, a meeting of the working group within the frames of Geneva Incident Prevention and Reaction Mechanism (IPRM) should have been held.
As reported by the Head of the Working Group for the South Ossetian side Merab Chigoev, the meeting was planned to take place in the village of Ergneti, on the territory adjacent to the border of South Ossetia.
“Upon our initiative, this meeting has been earlier postponed due to the non-constructive approach of the Georgian delegation”, emphasized Chigoev.

Tue, 23/06/2009 - 12:58

Exchange of detainees discussed in Ergneti

Upon the proposal of the OSCE Greek Chairman-in-Office (CiO) Special Representative Ambassador Christopoulos Charalampos, a meeting between the representatives of the South Ossetian and the Georgian side was held in the village of Ergneti.
As reported by the Head of South Ossetian Delegation Merab Chigoev, issues related to exchange of citizens of South Ossetia and Georgia, either under investigation or sentenced, kept in pre-trial facilities or in prison, were discussed.

Tue, 23/06/2009 - 12:56

Stanislav Kochiev: “The Parliament should start working on a new constitution”

The Parliament Speaker Stanislav Kochiev told IA RES about the priority tasks and plans of the new Parliament.
What are the priority tasks of the new Parliament?
First, it is necessary to form of all structures of the Parliament and identify deputies to the Speaker and heads of these structures. Today, the most important is technical work, then we will elaborate the working plan for the next 6 months, for a year and will work in accordance with this schedule.


Mon, 22/06/2009 - 14:10

Communist Party Leader Elected as Parliament Speaker

The leader of the Communist Party Stanislav Kochiev was elected as the Parliament Sepcaker. Through a secret ballot, 22 MPs out 34 voted for him, 12 – against. Kochiev’s candidature was proposed by the RSO President Eduard Kokoity after consultation held with representatives of all political parties forming the Parliament.
Stanislav Yakovlevich Kochiev was born 7 April, 1954 in Kurta, Tskhinval district. Having graduated from Tskhinval School #6, he entered English and History Faculty at the South Ossetian State Pedagogic Institute. Upon graduation, he started teaching. Since 1978 until now, he has been teaching the History of Russia at the South Ossetian state University.
In 199, he entered the Baku Institute of Political Science and Sociology, which he graduated from in 1994.

Mon, 22/06/2009 - 14:09

Program for Repatriation, Refugees and Displaced Persons adopted in South Ossetia

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of South Ossetia elaborated the State Program on repatriation, refugee and displaced persons. The Program was adopted at the RSO Government Presidium. As the Health Minister Nugzar Gabaraev noted, the number of refugees from Georgia in South Ossetia is currently 4,500 persons, in North Ossetia this number reaches more than 13,000 persons.
The program for resettlement of these families should envisage all kinds of assistance. There is also a possibility to engage international agencies. All those who could be a part to this program require the unconditional participation of South Ossetia”, said Gabaraev.

Mon, 22/06/2009 - 14:07

The RSO Government Presidium Session

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a session of the RSO Government Presidium. 27 issues were on the agenda added with 5 more questions. The discussion on some issues was postponed, the rest were discussed and decided by the Presidium.
The first issue on the agenda was about the fees for water supply to Georgia. After a long discussion, it was decided that the issue needed further elaboration. It was noted that after the final fee is fixed for water supply, the leadership of the Republic would any time cut of the supply to Georgia if the Georgian side refuses to sign a corresponding agreement and does not pay according to fixed fees.
