

Fri, 29/05/2009 - 09:40

President Eduard Kokoity congratulated the RSO MFA with their professional holiday

Today, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is celebrating the 17th anniversary of its founding. The RSO President Eduard Kokoity congratulated the Foreign Ministry on this occasion. “Dear staff members of the Foreign Ministry, Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday. From its first day, the RSO MFA does a lot for the recognition of our republic and organization of various international events. The staff working today for the Ministry is certainly well-qualified and active. It is now important to provide significant support to the MFA and send people for studies.

Fri, 29/05/2009 - 09:37

Ministry for Regional Development had discussed South Ossetia rehabilitation issues at the meeting in Tskhinval

The meeting at the State Committee for Implementation of Rehabilitation Projects in RSO was held by the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the RF, Chairman of the Inter-Agency Commission Roman Panov. The South Ossetian side was represented by the Chairman of the State Committee for Implementation of Rehabilitation Projects in South Ossetia Zurab Kabisov, his first Deputy Vladimir Matveev, Head of Tskhinval City Administration Rober Guliev and the Chief Engineer of « Stavropolkraigaz » Vladimir Panpurin.

Fri, 29/05/2009 - 09:35

Compensations are paid out to citizens in South Ossetia

Compensation are paid out to citiznes of South Ossetia affected during the Georgian aggression in August 2008, reported a source in «Sberbank» of the RSO.
« In accordance with the lists approved at the RSO Government Presidium, 36,05 mil RUR were transferred to « Sberbank » to pay out compensations to affected inhabitants of our Republic. As of today, 859 persons had received compensations out of 927 on the list», reported the source in Sberbank.

Fri, 29/05/2009 - 09:30

Construction works began in South Ossetia

Preparatory works for the unfolded reconstruction of houses damaged during the Georgian aggressions started in Tskhinval. Today, the first house had been demolished and cleaned up for a new house to be built. The Deputy Chairman of the RSO State committee on implementation of rehabilitation projects Vladimir Matveev reported this during the Committee session.


Thu, 28/05/2009 - 14:52

Georgia's lack in sense of morality

From the standpoint of big politics, an ordinary person and his life is something easily sacrificed for the sake of notorious "state's interests". The authorities of Georgia in this sense went farther than this carrying to absurdity their negligence towards common human values.
At all times, the last will of a perished was respected. When 38-year old cancer diseased Guram Kusraev asked to e buried in Tbilisi beside the grave of his father, the relatives had certainly promised him to fulfill his request. Guram died in few days.

Thu, 28/05/2009 - 14:49

The Georgian Authorities tempered justice with mercy

The Georgian side had eventually changed its decision and let through the ambulance vehicle carrying the body of Guram Kusraev from Tskhinval to the burial place, told the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev.
"Our efforts brought results. Now, the will of the late Guram Kusraev can be fulfilled. We would like to express our appreciation to the international organizations which assisted us in settling this problem", added Boris Chochiev.


Wed, 27/05/2009 - 11:42

Boris Chochiev: “Our goal is continue persuading the international community that it was not Russia’s aggressions against Georgia, but the aggression committed by Georgia”

On 20 May, the fifth round of the Geneva discussions on security in the Caucasus finished. The meetings were conducted in two groups: on security and on humanitarian issues. The discussions focused on one issue – security and guarantees of non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. According to the Head South Ossetian Delegation, the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement, Boris Chochiev, it is problematic to demand any guarantees from the people who militarized Georgia and took part in the aggression.
“But, taking into consideration Russia’s recognition of our independence, the pressure Russia is exposed to by the international community and the information war unfolded in August 2008, our goal is to continue persuading the international communitu that it was not Russia’s aggression against Georgia, but the aggression committed by Georgia against peaceful population of South Osseitawith the support of many states, that is, the goal is call things with their proper names. And today, Georgia is not going to provide any guarantees, but is conducting NATO exercises in its areas adjacent to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. But if we keep demanding for elaboration of a document guaranteeing security, not one would do it for us”, said Chochiev.

Wed, 27/05/2009 - 11:31

A Round-Table “History of Parliamentarianism in the RSO” Held in Tskhinval

In the capital city of the Republic of South Ossetia, in Tskhinval, a round-table :History of Parliamentarianism in the RSO” was held. Current Parliament Members (MPs) and candidate for election, representatives of political parties participating in the election and public activists had gathered at the independent discussion club “For transparent and fair elections”.
The Deputy Speaker of the RSO Parlliament Tarzan Kokoity stated that the current Parliament has been wrongly rebuked for lack of professionalism and insufficient work.
“One should not put the question about which convocation of the Parliament worked more, or which had adopted more laws or vice versa. I would like to stress that all Parliament convocations had achieved a lot; and the Parliament was the body which led the Republic together with the president to independence. I would like to warn both friends and foes from comparing the work of one or another parliament convocation.
