

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 21:30

South Ossetia left the meeting on the border due to the unconstructive position of the Georgian party

The South Ossetian party put forward a condition at a meeting in the framework of the IPRM to remove the roadblock until 6am Friday

South Ossetia at a meeting of participants of the IPRM (Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism) in the village of Ergneti demanded from Georgia to stop provocations at the border and remove the roadblock in the vicinity of the village of Tsnelis, the head of the South Ossetian delegation at the meetings in the IPRM format, Yegor Kochiev, told reporters.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 15:44

The ICRC is organizing courses in South Ossetia to identify the remains of the missing persons

The mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in South Ossetia, together with the authorities of the Republic and the public organization “Hope and Memory”, has been constantly working to clarify the fate of the missing citizens , said at a briefing in Tskhinval the head of the department for protection of civilians of the representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the Republic Rustam Alizade.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 14:07

We will be searching for until we find out the fate of each person

August 30 is the International Day of Missing Persons

More than 130 citizens of South Ossetia have been missing since the 1990s, and 7 people have been missing since 2008, the youngest of them, Alan Khugaev, was 16, the Chairman of the Republican non-governmental organization “Memory and Hope” Lydia Kudzieva. said at a press conference in the State Committee for Information and Press

She told in detail about the work of the organization since its inception, spoke about the plight of the families of the missing.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 13:11

Parliamentarians of South Ossetia are concerned about the illegal actions of the Georgian security forces

Atsamaz Bibilov, head of the South Ossetian Parliament’s Defense and Security Committee, called the actions of the Georgian police in the village of Uista (formerly Tsnelis) South Ossetia an open provocation aimed at escalating tensions in Transcaucasian region.

Atsamaz Bibilov visited the outskirts of the village of Uista, where the Georgian side is illegally building a roadblock, and on the spot got acquainted with the situation.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 12:06

South Ossetian Foreign Ministry regards the actions of Georgia on the border as a direct threat to the people

In the event of further escalation of tension and complication of the situation, all appropriate countermeasures will be taken to protect the territorial integrity of the Republic

South Ossetia addressed the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia, as well as the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia with a warning about the real danger of a new armed confrontation, the Republic’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday night.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 11:46

Residents of the village of Tsnelis in South Ossetia are "trapped"

Under the scorching August sun in the middle of the dusty road of Tsnelis village, there is a crowd of people. South Ossetian servicemen, journalists and local residents are looking towards the hill from where the Georgian flag is fluttering through the dense thickets of bushes. A couple of days ago, Georgian security forces put up a checkpoint in the South Ossetian territory. Now the height above the Yugostalk plant (formerly Gruztalk) is occupied by them.

Thu, 29/08/2019 - 10:34

There is no need to talk about some kind of peaceful return of South Ossetia to Georgia, - the State Duma deputy

Yelena Panina, a deputy of the “United Russia“ faction, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, commenting on the “Duma TV“ information that Georgian police erected a checkpoint on the territory of South Ossetia near the village of Tsnelis, said that South Ossetia had always been an independent state, and provocations from Tbilisi should be treated calmly.

“There is no need to talk about some kind of peaceful return of South Ossetia to Georgia, especially after the tragic events of 2008,” said Elena Panina.
