


Fri, 22/02/2008 - 16:36

Destructive activity of illegal Georgian posts in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone

The activity of 18 illegal Georgian Internal Ministry posts serves as a permanent source of destabilization within the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone. This number is changing subject to the ongoing situation and during the aggravation of tension the number of posts and personnel is considerably increasing. It is necessary to note that establishment of posts within the conflict zone, both peacekeeping and law-enforcement should be agreed at the JCC meetings.


Thu, 21/02/2008 - 15:51

Irina Gagloeva: «Protection of territorial integrity of states perpetrating genocide is no doubt criminous»

«US at last gave a go ahead and Kosovo issue became almost primary in the world policy, perhaps averting everybody from more significant problems»-stated to IA “Res” correspondent the Chairperson of State Committee for information and press of the Republic of South Ossetia Irina Gagloeva while commenting the situation over Kosovo and US actions in this regard.


Wed, 20/02/2008 - 16:55

TransKam is blocked due to the heavy snowfall

The road services can not cope with continuous avalanches. Besides the road numerous villages are blocked by snow, reported to “Res’ correspondent representative of RF Emergency Control Ministry Vladimir Ivanov. «A heavy snowfall continues at highlands. According to synopticians predictions it may last for two days.

Wed, 20/02/2008 - 16:54

Murat Djioev: «After Kosovo precedent we will be acting more resolutely striving for international recognition of our really existing state»

«On 17 of February eventuated declaration of independence of Kosovo and its subsequent recognition by a number of states. Thus precedent created of recognition of new states as well as a new approach to conflicts resolution. Considering inadmissible selective use of the principals and models in prejudice of democratic will of peoples in international practice, South Ossetia more than once stated Kosovo’s strive for independence is not precedent for it. Peoples of South Ossetia long before Kosovo proclaimed their statehood in accordance with international law and the then working legislation of USSR. However, the recognition of Kosovo must become a precedent for recognition of four unrecognized states at the post soviet space without fail, the more so since they has more legal and moral grounds for that»-said Murat Djioev.


Tue, 19/02/2008 - 12:40

Murat Tkhostov: «it’s high time to create a new climate of interrelations»

M. E. Tkhostov head of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement from North-Ossetian part answered IA “Res” question.
Question: Recently there were disclosed the President of the Republic of South Ossetia E. D. Kokoity’s proposals directed at the reanimation of the negotiation process which found understanding and positive response in Moscow. New Government in Georgia was formed after the presidential elections and regular foreign policy initiatives declared and finally the independence of Kosovo was declared yesterday. How can you, as a representative of one of the sides of JCC, comment the situation over South Ossetia in the light of the last events?


Mon, 18/02/2008 - 16:34

Znaur Gassiev: «Kosovo’s declaration of independence enhances the probability of international recognition of South Ossetia»

«For the bases of their geopolitics western states laid the policy of dictates, conducting it strenuously and with great potential, not always successfully but nonetheless effectively»- stated the Republic of South Ossetia Chairman of Parliament Znaur Gassiev while commenting the situation about Kosovo to IA «Res» correspondent.


Thu, 14/02/2008 - 16:13

Alan Kotaev: “The situation with water supply in Tskhinval remains crucial”

The situation with water supply of the capital of The Republic of South Ossetia remains critical. As the Tskhinval deputy mayor Alan Kotaev informed IA “Res” correspondent in the capital of Republic was developed critical situation.
“We are bending every effort to improve the situation. A decision of regulating of water supply to Djava region has been made, in order to enhance water flow to Tskhinval.
