Lately in secondary school in the Georgian village Ergneti, near the border adjusted to our country, it has been opened the so-called "cozy corner of the information centre of NATO in Georgia". In the opinion of experts, this fact witnesses only about the indefatigable desire of Georgia to enter the rows of this organization, rather then real steps in this direction.
"Georgia as it is known is not a country-member of NATO. This organization does not want to see her in its own rows. And though NATO has repeatedly slammed the door before Georgia’s nose, she tries by hook and crook obtain for herself some determined advantages", - has declared IA "Res" the expert Inal Pliev (in 2002 - 2008 - a chief of the Informational division on behalf of South-Ossetia of the Mixed Checking Commission on regulating the georgian-ossetian conflict).
"Another circumstance, which needs thorough attention, is concluded in the following: school is a humanitarian institution. NATO is a military institution. How the high ideals of the humanism, which have to be grafted children in school, correlate with that acts of blood aggression with blazing and destroyed cities, with hundreds of a thousands killed and wounded, which NATO carries out all over the world?" - has noted he.
In the opinion of expert, the opening of so called "corner of the informational centre of NATO" in Georgia in direct vicinity to the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia is a provocation.
"It is clear absolutely that this structure, notwithstanding its declared functions, will realize and reconnaissance functions towards South Ossetia", - has emphasized he.
"Besides, in the light repeated and unambiguous statements of the high political leaders of Georgia that for Georgia the war is not finished уet I am sure that in depths of the special services of Georgia are ready the plans of provocations on type of that one which was realized at the borders of our country with the participation of the former president of Poland Lekh Kachinsky", - has declared Pliev.
"On this background it causes the surprise our passivity in case of explanation international community the reasons and circumstances of the reflection of the military aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia and Russia", - has concluded he.