Leonid Tibilov: South Ossetia attaches great importance to the Geneva discussions

Sat, 08/12/2012 - 13:57

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with members of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia. Opening the meeting, the President has noted that South Ossetia attaches great importance to the Geneva discussions - the only international platform where is carried on the work on post-conflict settlement.

" We have determined our position in the course of the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of South Ossetia and Russia, as well as at the meeting of the two countries presidents," - said Tibilov.
The President has stressed that the signing of a legally binding agreement on non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia is still the central issue on the agenda of the Geneva talks.
"So far, we are waiting how the Georgian side will behave itself after the new people have come to power in Tbilisi and have been established the new realities. In any case, we will continue to work on the signing of the document to have certain security guarantees from Georgia", - underlined Tibilov.
He also thanked the members of the South Ossetian delegation working within the framework of the Mechanisms for Prevention and Reaction to Incidents.
"You raise specifically the question of the fate of our citizens in the Georgian prisons. According to reliable information, our citizens are kept there on trumped-up charges. And the fact that the Georgian side continues to keep them in prisons, does not facilitate the possible dialogue between the two countries ", - emphasized Tibilov.
He noted that pre-meetings of the President of South Ossetia with the officials going off the Republic to take part in the meetings would be continued.
Leonid Tibilov also expressed hope that the South Ossetian delegation would return from the 22 rounds of Geneva talks with good results.

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