By 2017 we will be able to achieve considerable success - Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia

Sat, 18/05/2013 - 14:15

The final version of the Medium-term program for socio-economic development of South Ossetia to 2017 will be approved by the government in the near future.
This has been said by the Minister for Economic Development of the Republic Zalina Khugati in the interview with IA "Res." She noted that the draft program was fully prepared and adopted by the Government of the Republic with some comments and improvement.

"The other day the draft program will be submitted to the Parliament for consideration and approval. Then, taking into account all the comments, we will improve the final version of the Medium-Term Program for socio-economic development of the RSO till 2017 and will agree it with our Russian counterparts in terms of funding, "- said Khugati.
According to her, the events, included in the program, are based on the work of the ministries and agencies of the Republic.
"The target indicators are also defined. All of these activities are interrelated, consistent, and if we get the appropriate amount of financing, by 2017 we will be able to achieve significant success,"- said the Minister.
Khugati has added that it is in progress the development of the regulatory framework that will facilitate to implement all the events included in the Medium-Term Development Program of the RSO, and in the near future we will be able to talk about the concrete numbers of funding.
She stressed that the development of the medium-term program of socio-economic development of South Ossetia up to 2017 and the Development Strategy to 2030 are the most important challenges facing the Intergovernmental Committee on socio-economic development of South Ossetia.
The draft Strategy of the Development of South Ossetia to 2030, according to Khugati, is almost ready, but due to some comments of the South Ossetian side, it is sent for improvement.
"The main directions of the strategy are defined; they are designed based on the concept of the RSO development, "- said Khugati.
As a priority the Minister noted the development of agriculture, industry, the introduction of new technologies.
"The production, which we have, is out of date, and if we're going to invest in the industry, we have to focus on the high-tech manufacturing. We have such prospects: the Republic has a considerable raw materials base that allows us to develop different branches of production to obtain a sufficient rate of profit ", - she said.
Khugati has added, much attention is paid to the development of the financial system of South Ossetia.
"This is one of the essential components of our economic development. The Strategy has also included the measures to improve the investment climate, development of tourism, mineral resources, hydropower, transport costs, education, and science. Our task is to earn ourselves, to develop and launch the production, to attract people and to train them professionally, "- added the Minister.
Khugati has stressed that by using all these measures, as well as the available resources, the government will be able to achieve job growth in the real sector of the economy, growth of production, attracting not only the budget investment from the Russian Federation, but also the private investment.

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