Article from the Vladikavkaz newspaper “Mountain poor”, No. 2, August 22, 1920
Every day you have to watch how refugees moving from South Ossetia, driven by Georgian Mensheviks, are moving along the road with the last surviving home belongings moving from South Ossetia. Almost all the villages of the mountain strip are jam-packed with refugees, and many have still found an shelter in the open. With the onset of cold weather in the mountains for refugees, hard days will come. In the hope they wait, but many promises remain unfulfilled. Many refugees are thinking of returning to their ravaged foci, others are thinking of moving to a plane, still others are looking for shelter here in the mountains, while others are not thinking at all, they are expecting manna from the sky. Of the refugees who are at the head (with the exception of a few who have indulged in this matter soul and body), no one considers it their duty to officially put the issue in the know.
Starting from the passes to Salugardan itself, not a single nutritional point has been arranged anywhere until now, there is no organization. Passers-by, finding no food anywhere, are involuntarily forced to exchange their last things for grain or sell livestock for nothing. The situation of refugees on the plane is more favorable, but here, in the mountains, their conditions are unbearable. We know that the Soviet government, as always, was sympathetic to the critical situation of refugees, came to their aid, releasing them 7 million rubles for the purchase of grain, but so far, each family has received the lowest possible dose. Unless serious attention is now being paid to the situation of refugees in the mountainous zone, many of them will be doomed to certain death, since no one procures feed in anticipation, even for their livestock.
There are no intelligent workers among the refugees, with the exception of the refugee teacher Kumaritov in Nara.
The intelligentsia of South Ossetia should be more serious about the plight of their brothers and help them.
Teacher Tualets
From the book by Ruslan Bzarov "The Ossetian genocide: 1920"